이야기되지 않는 영웅 크리스/대사


I'm Kris, knight of Altea and royal guard to the hero Prince Marth. But...just Kris is fine.私はアリティアの宮廷騎士、クリス。英雄王マルス様の近衛をつとめています。気兼ねなく、クリスと呼んでくださいね。

I wonder if my other platoonmates are doing all right. Luke, Roderick, Cecil, Ryan...and Katarina too.第七小隊のみんなは元気かしら。ルーク、ロディ、セシル、ライアン、……それに、カタリナ。
Our platoon was commanded by the bull of Altea, Lord Cain. He's a man worthy of admiration.私たち第七小隊の教官をつとめてくださったのは、カイン殿だったわ。人呼んでアリティアの猛牛…憧れの一人ね。
My grandfather said if I wanted to truly serve Altea, as he did, there was one thing I must never do: cook.祖父から、ひとつだけ禁じられたこと。それは、料理なんです。お前の料理は鋼の味がする、って…
I'm royal guard to Prince Marth, even in an unfamiliar world. It feels natural for me to be by his side.私はマルス様の近衛騎士ですから。見知らぬこの世界でも、きっとマルス様のおそばに!
Lord Marth is a truly kind man. Scoundrels may look to take advantage, but I won't allow it.マルス様は、お優しい方…けれど、そこにつけこむ悪党もいます。私はそのような者をけっして許しません。

친구 방문

I am Kris, royal guard of Altea. Here. This is for [Summoner].私はマルス様の近衛騎士、クリスです。これを[召喚師]様へと預かって参りました。

레벨 업

My grandfather always said that true strength is fighting for others. I'll fight for this world—and for Prince Marth!祖父の言葉です。「真に強いのは誰かのために戦える人間だ」。私の力は、世界とマルス様のために!
I fight with a purpose. Thoughtless violence should not be condoned.私には戦う理由があります。ただの暴力には屈しません。


Aha! This must mean you have confidence in me!私に期待してくれているってことかな?ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

What do you think things will be like five years from now? Or ten years!
I believe my lord, Prince Marth, will be king of Altea, and he will rule over a world at peace...
And by then, surely Caeda will have borne children, and she will be raising them to be kind and strong...
"True strength is fighting for others." ...I think I may finally understand what my grandfather meant by that.
Just as I'd give my life for Prince Marth, now I fight for you. And by fighting for you, I fight for this world.




This won't stop me...!これくらい…!

오의 발동

I won't let you pass!通さないわ!
Are you prepared?覚悟はいい?
Dare not underestimate me.舐めないでよね
I will not lose.私は負けない!


Prince Marth...マルス…様…


I am Kris, royal guard to Prince Marth of Altea. Well met.私はクリス。アリティア王子、マルス様の近衛騎士よ。よろしくね。
Ah! Careful! What if I had been ready to strike?きゃあっ!? …もう、危ないじゃない。剣を持っていたらどうするの?
Wake and go for a run before dawn breaks. It can lift your mood thousand-fold.夜明け前に起きて走ってから素振りを千回。訓練は欠かさないわ。
When I cook, the food tastes of iron. Where do I go wrong?私が作った料理、全部鋼の味になるのよね…どうしてかしら?
To fight someone is to know them. Spar with me!人を最もよく知るには戦うのが一番よ。お手合わせ願います!
Whatever harm might befall me, I will safeguard Prince Marth.たとえこの身がどうなろうと…マルス様の命だけは私がお守りします。
I have long wished to be someone who fights to protect another. And now, I fight on your behalf.私は誰かの為に戦える人間になりたい。…あなたの為に戦いたいの。

아군 턴 터치

I'll do my best!がんばるわ!

캐릭터 페이지로