수확제의 성왕녀 라첼/대사


I am L'Arachel, the harvest festival princess of peerless beauty. Surely that much is obvious!わたくしの名前はラーチェル。そう…! 見ての通り【収穫祭の絶世美王女】ですわ!

Friends of justice! Allies of righteousness and order!
Know that I, L'Arachel, shall ensure a peaceful harvest festival! Cavort freely and sup in safety!
This costume is PERFECT! Who would look at this and imagine me to be the princess of Rausten?この完璧な仮装…! まさかわたくしがロストン聖教国の王女とは夢にも思わないことでしょう。
If everyone is to wear a costume, know that mine will be the best! I'll be the most captivating of all the ghouls!郷に入っては郷に従えですわ。皆に褒め称えられるような立派なおばけになってみせましてよ。
No matter how spirited the pumpkins that pursue me, I am ready to WHACK them with my staff!かぼちゃの魔物など、何匹来ても怖くはありません。わたくしの杖さばきでぽこぽこのぽこにしてさしあげますわ。
Quite a lively festival, isn't it? I wish that Father and Mother could witness this spectacle.とても賑やかなお祭りですわね。お父様とお母様にも見せてあげたかったですわ…

친구 방문

Trick or treat! Hmm...should I really be saying that? For I shall deliver to YOU the joy of the harvest festival!トリックオアトリート![フレンド]のご友人に収穫祭の喜びを届けに参りましたの!

레벨 업

The people cry out as one, and I hear their pleas! Fear not, citizens! For you, I will do my utmost!わたくしを求める民の声が聞こえます!存分に施してさしあげますわ!
This costume is nearly perfect... But it is still not enough to mask my effulgent elegance!仮装しても溢れ出る気品までは装えないようですわ。
Well, I never! What manner of fiend would dare play a trick on ME?まあっ! わたくしに悪戯を仕掛けるとはなんという罰当たりな…!


This harvest festival is surely a gift from the gods! With this, I shall shine even brighter!これはまさに神が賜うた収穫祭!わたくしの輝きがさらに増しますわ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Should the people be besieged by demons in the east, she appears without warning to exorcise the filth!
Should the people starve for love in the west, she appears without hesitation to fill their hearts with joy!
She is everywhere, yet nowhere—that beautiful princess of peerless beauty!
And still none shall ever know her true identity...
I can hear the people's voices rise in chorus: their hopes, their dreams, their "trick or treats!"
What's that? They just want candy? Well, then! Candy they shall have! If the people are happy, then so am I!
え? それは歓声じゃない…?…皆が幸せならわたくしは満足です。さあ、祭りの続きを楽しみますわよ!




How rude...!無礼な…!

오의 발동

Let us celebrate!お祝いしましょう!
Find yourself tricked!いたずらしますわよ!
A token of my gratitude!ありがたく受け取りなさい!
I'll take the lead!主役はわたくしですわ!


There's more fun to be had...まだ…遊びたいですわ…


Today, I am L'Arachel, the "harvest festival princess of peerless beauty"!今日のわたくしは、【収穫祭の絶世美王女】ラーチェルでしてよ!
A trick, is it? Then you shall receive not even a mote of candy! Not one!…っ! いたずらしましたわね? じゃあお菓子は差し上げません!
I see that you're admiring my costume. Take a good, long look, then!この衣装、いかがかしら? 遠慮なく見とれてくださって構いませんことよ。
Rausten's festivals are very lively. Someday, you too shall know the pleasure!ロストンの祭りもとっても華やかですのよ。いつか招待してあげますわ。
Come, Dozla! Come, Rennac! We must bestow treats upon the people!ドズラ、レナック! さあ、民にお菓子を施しに参りましょう。
Mmm! This confection is delicious indeed. Would you like one?まあ! 美味しいですわ。この砂糖菓子。あなたもおひとついかが?
Will you not don a costume? How disappointing. I had hoped to see you looking more festive!あなたは仮装しませんの? …まあ残念。さぞお似合いでしょうに。

아군 턴 터치

Here's a treat!お菓子はいかが?
I'm a MONSTER!お化けですわよ~

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