빛의 성왕녀 라첼/대사
Friends of justice! Allies of righteousness and order! Know that I, L'Arachel, have arrived! | 正義と秩序の使者ラーチェルここに参上ですわ!どうぞよしなに。 |
No matter the world, no matter the era...I will never forgive those who make a mockery of what is just. | たとえ、いつ、どこの世界でも、正義を乱す輩は許しませんわ。 |
Magvel is simply crawling with foul creatures. I'm glad to say it's very different here! But it's such a shame that, even here, people must still fight one another... | この世界は、不浄なる魔物に満ちたマギ・ヴァルとは違うようですわね。それなのに人と人が争うなど、残念ですわ。 |
Oh, my. There are dark circles under your eyes. You had better get more sleep, [Summoner]! | まあ、[召喚師]。あまり寝ていないのでしょう?目の下にクマができていますわよ! |
Are you lost as well? Castles are always so tricky to navigate, no matter the world, aren't they? If you would, please guide me to my chambers. | あなたも道に迷われましたの?どの世界でも城の中はややこしいですわ。さ、部屋まで案内してくださいな。 |
Take that! And that! Watch as I wield my staff with such grace! I'll whack our enemies with it. | えい! えい!ご覧くださいな、この華麗な杖さばき。これで敵をぽこぽこにしてやるのですわ! |
친구 방문
Are you, by any chance, a friend of [Friend]? No, you need not say a thing. I can tell. An endeavor with a noble goal naturally draws comrades in arms! | [フレンド]のご友人ですの?いえ、言わなくてもわかりますわ。高貴な使命を持つ者は導かれあうのです! |
레벨 업
As befits my refinement and grace. It is providence! | 高貴で気高く上品なわたくしにふさわしい成長を感じますわ。これこそ神のお導きですわ! |
I've grown stronger. My mother and father would praise me. | また強くなりましたわ。お父様とお母様にも、きっとほめてもらえますわ。 |
This must be a test from the gods! | うう…これも神の与えし試練ですわ… |
I will show you the splendor that is L'Arachel in action! Bear witness! | わたくしの華麗な活躍をもっともっとお見せしますわ。期待していいですわよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
So this is where you've been! There's something we need to talk about, and that's you. In the world I come from, monsters crept from the Darkling Woods and beset the people. My parents took it upon themselves to defend the citizenry, and I am told that this is how they lost their lives. They are the pride of Rausten. They are my pride, too. Like them, you're on a grand mission to bring righteousness and order to this world. I can see that. Then we are agreed! You had better not go dying in battle on me. Do I have your word? | こんなところにいましたの。…ちょっとお話がありますわ。ほかでもない、あなたのことですの。 …わたくしがいた世界では、闇の樹海からあふれ出た魔物に多くの人が襲われましたわ。 お父様とお母様も魔物たちの群れと戦い、人々を守って命を落としたのだとか…ロストン聖教国の、わたくしの誇りですわ。 [召喚師]、あなたもこの世界の正義と秩序のために戦う…大いなる使命に導かれているのですわ! だから約束ですわよ。志なかばで倒れるようなこと、あってはなりませんわ… |
えいっ | |
えいえいえいっ |
きゃああっ! | |
まあっ…こんな… |
오의 발동
I've passed my judgment! | 成敗しますわ! |
Watch this! | ご覧なさい! |
I have arrived! | 参上ですわ! |
I cannot abide this! | 許しませんわよ! |
This will...never do... | いけません…わ… |
ふふっ | |
That's right! I am Rausten's own pr— Oopsie. Almost revealed my secret identity! | そう! わたくしこそがロストン聖教国の…あ、秘密なのでしたわ。 |
Wh-what is the meaning of this? Explain yourself! | きゃあっ!? いきなり何をなさいますの! |
I am L'Arachel, the "beautiful princess of peerless beauty." You would do well to remember that. | 【麗しの絶世美王女】ラーチェル…この名を覚えておくと良いですわ。 |
Rather than lament what you do not possess, you should treasure what you do. | 無いものを嘆くより、あるものに感謝する心が大切でしてよ。 |
That I would be called a Hero... Ahh, how enchanting! | わたくしが英雄と呼ばれるだなんて…ああ、うっとりですわ… |
Father... Mother... Am I doing the right thing? | お父様、お母様…だめですわね、わたくしったら… |
I'll allow you the pleasure of my company. You'll be spending all your time with me. | あなたの傍にいてさしあげますわ。わたくしと寝食を共になさい。 |
아군 턴 터치
I see... | そうですわね。 |
Dashing! | さっそうと |
Here I go! | 行きますわよ! |
공격 - 신장
- | てやっ |
- | やりますわっ |
피격 - 신장
- | ああっ |
- | なんてことを… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Sleep tight! | 眠らせますわ! |
Good night! | お休みなさいませ! |
In your dreams. | 見せて差し上げます |
Sweet dreams! | 素敵な夢を! |
패배 - 신장
So exhausted... | わたくしも…眠いですわ… |
상태창 - 신장
- | ふう… |
I am L'Arachel, once the "beautiful princess of peerless beauty," but now you may refer to me as the "beautiful princess of fairylike beauty!" | 麗しの絶世美王女改め、妖精美王女ラーチェルですわ! |
Oh! I know it's hard to help oneself in the presence of such entrancing beauty, but look and don't touch, OK? | まあっ…! あまりの美しさに思わず触ってしまいましたのね? |
How considerate of you to pick out a new ensemble for me! | わたくしのために新しい衣装を用意するだなんて、気が利いていますわ。 |
Look! Now I match Eirika and the others. Aren't we simply blooming with beauty? | エイリークたちともお揃いですの。華やかでしょう? |
Dozla! Rennac! What do you think of my new look, hm? | ドズラ、レナック! 新たなわたくしの姿を褒めたたえなさいな! |
I'd give anything to see my mother and father...even if it were only in a dream. | たとえ夢でも…お父様とお母様にお会いできたら… |
With me by your side, you'll have the most pleasant dreams every night! | わたくしが傍にいるんですもの。あなたは毎晩いい夢が見られましてよ! |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Is someone sleepy? | おねむですの? |
Oh? | ふわぁ… |
I'll fly right over! | 飛んでいきますわ! |