여름색 성왕녀 라첼/대사


I, L'Arachel, have arrived to dazzle you all! Join me, and we shall enjoy the summer to end all summers!空に太陽がきらめくように、地上にはわたくし、ラーチェルが輝いておりますわ!さあ、最高の夏を堪能しますわよ!

I see that Ephraim and Eirika have joined our little beach excursion as well. The more the merrier, I say!エフラムやエイリークも海に来ているのですわね。ふふっ、にぎやかでよろしくてよ!
Nothing can match the beauty of Rausten's flawless shores, but this Askran beach is breathtaking!ロストン聖教国の海は風光明媚の極みでありましたけどアスク王国の海も負けていませんわね!
I must seek shade awhile. The sun is in a jealous rage over my radiance.ただひとつ、気がかりなことがあるとすれば…夏の太陽がわたくしに嫉妬しないかしら? ということですわ。
I do wish that Dozla and Rennac were here. This pristine water would wash away their worries in an instant!ドズラとレナックも来ればよかったのに。この素敵な海を前にすれば心もいっそう清らかになるというもの!
I, L'Arachel, shall purge this beach of its vile villainy! Face the whacking end of my parasol of justice!浜辺の秩序を乱すケダモノはこのラーチェルが許しません!見つけ次第、ぽこぽこにしますわ!

친구 방문

Rejoice, for I have brought summer tidings from [Friend]![召喚師]ですわね?[フレンド]から夏の便りをお持ちいたしましたわ!

레벨 업

Bear witness, O summer sun, for the one who shall outshine even your brilliance has arrived!太陽もご照覧あそばせ!この美王女ラーチェルが夏の話題を独り占めですわ!
Even the waves congratulate me on my performance as they crash upon the rocks in thunderous applause!聞こえますでしょう?潮騒がわたくしを祝福しておりますの!
My, the summer sun is a formidable opponent indeed...…少々日差しが強すぎやしませんこと?


The glittering brilliance of summer dwells within me!夏のきらめきがこの身に宿りましてよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Glittering waves, a gentle breeze, sun-soaked sand... What could make for a more perfect summer scene?
Why, none other than the beautiful princess of peerless beauty! I shall be the crowning jewel of this tableau!
You must be so pleased to have the opportunity to enjoy the summer season at my side.
Alas, it has been fight after fight since my arrival. Heavy is the hand that wields the hammer of justice...
That is not to say that our efforts have been in vain, as we are able to enjoy a moment of respite today.
I pray that the memories we create together under the sun's rays will sustain us in the coming conflicts.
May the image of the midsummer princess of peerless beauty remain forever burning in your heart!
きらめく海原! 沖からそよぐ風!砂浜に降り注ぐ陽光!そして絶世美王女ラーチェル!





오의 발동

Cool down!冷たいですわよ!
Behold the beach princess!砂浜の美王女ですわ!
Stricken by my radiance.目が眩みまして?
Rejoice! The game begins.遊んで差し上げます!


So hot...暑すぎ…ですわ…


Behold the beach princess!砂浜の美王女ですわ!
Stricken by my radiance.目が眩みまして?
I fear that in this swimwear there is nothing shielding the world from my blinding beauty... How distressing!薄手の衣装ですと、わたくしの眩しさを遮るものがなくて困りますわね…
You split a melon with a large stick? And this is a game? Then don't tarry! Roll it out!海では丸い果物を棒でかち割るんでしょう? 早く用意なさって!
My, this frozen treat is delicious! Here. Have some.まあ、この氷菓子とっても美味しい! はい、あなたも一口。
The sparkling blue ocean truly accentuates my loveliness.なんてきれいな海…そしてその海がより引き立てる美しいわたくし…
Let us explore the beach! There is no doubt this summer will be one you won't soon forget!忘れられない夏の思い出をつくって差し上げますわ!

아군 턴 터치

Let's swim!泳ぎましょう!

캐릭터 페이지로