격살의 검사 리브/대사


Where...am I? Ah, I see. It's you, Summoner. I am known as Líf.ここは…そうか。召喚か…僕は…俺は…リーヴ。

Get close to someone, and the pain of parting will be much more acute. You and Alfonse must remember this.誰かに肩入れしすぎれば、別れが辛くなる…お前も、アルフォンスもそう心得ておいた方がいい。
Hel killed Alfonse's father, King Gustav. As I was her tool, it's almost as though I did it myself.この世界のグスタフ王も…ヘルに殺された…ヘルに加担した俺が殺したも同然だ。
If you want someone to patrol with, ask Alfonse. I am not your comrade. But...be careful. Please.見回りならアルフォンスを連れて行け。お前は俺の知らない別人だが…それでも、もう二度と死なせたくはない。
This castle is the mirror of my own. These surroundings flood me with memories...many I'd rather forget.この城の風景は、俺の世界と同じ…色々なことを思い出す。思い出したくないことも…
My sword, Sökkvabekkr, is dangerous. Called the sword of ruin, it is a blade of the realm of the dead.不用意に近寄るな…【崩剣セクヴァベク】は死の王国ヘルのものだ。

친구 방문

I am Líf. Tell me—in this world, what name does the summoner go by?…我が名はリーヴ。この世界の召喚師の名は…?

레벨 업

What would [Summoner] say of this?[召喚師]がここにいたなら…
I must become stronger. Anything else means defeat.敗北したくなければ、強くならねば…
There will be no next time...次はない…


Ah, [Summoner]... No, forget I spoke.[召喚師]……いや、なんでもない。

5성 40레벨 달성

I once made a vow to [Summoner]...
The summoner of my world, I mean. We trusted each other.
I swore that I would keep [Summoner] safe...
But in the end, I was unable to keep that promise.
Alfonse must not make the same mistake I did. And I will protect you myself.
Yes, I will continue to fight. Not as Alfonse, but as Líf. For your sake.





오의 발동

I must be ruthless.許しは請わない
Do not stand in my way.邪魔をするな
I will get what I want.望みを果たす
And now, it is your turn.死ぬべきだ


No, no, no!死ぬことは…許されない…


You have nothing to discuss with me.話すことなど、何もないだろう…
If you want to waste time on small talk, seek out Alfonse or Sharena.挨拶なら、アルフォンスやシャロンにしてやるがいい
I should not be here. I should be dead.俺は本来ここにいてはならない…死ぬべき存在だ…
You can weep for your mistakes. You can repent for your sins. But you cannot wash away your past.どれだけ後悔しても、どれだけ自分を責めても…罪は消えない
Everyone dies. None can return. And yet I keep trying.人は必ず死ぬ。死者は蘇らない…だが、僕は…
Oh, Alfonse... How I envy you...アルフォンス…俺は、お前が羨ましい…
I have faced despair so many times. Yet, when I am with you, I can grasp hope...何度も絶望してきた…なのにお前といると…また希望を抱いてしまう

아군 턴 터치

Discard all hope.希望は捨てる
Death, an ending.死は終わりだ…

캐릭터 페이지로