첫참배의 염희 레갸른/대사


My name is Laegjarn. I have come with my sister in this foreign garb to participate in a New Year's rite.我が名はレーギャルン。異邦の装束を身にまとい、妹と共に新年の儀式を。

No matter what she wears, my little sister always looks good, and this garb suits her surprisingly well.レーヴァテインの衣装…とても素敵だわ。あの子はなにを着ても似合うの。
This outfit is so festive with its bright colors... I never had occasion to wear anything like this in Múspell.こんな晴れやかな衣装…ムスペルにいた頃は袖を通したことはなかったわ…
It gets so cold at night! After the New Year, we ought to go somewhere warm. We don't want to catch cold.夜はとても冷えるのね…年明けから体調を崩さないように温かくして過ごすといいわ。
So it's off to the shrine... As I understand it, there's a rite to be performed, and that grants a wish...
I can tell from the way you're looking at me that I don't quite have it right.
初詣…その年の願いを叶えるという異邦の魔道の儀式と聞いたわ。…え? 少し違うの?
You shouldn't just let the years pass you by. I have things that matter to me, so I must become stronger now.ただ年を重ねるだけでは意味がないわ。私は去年よりも強くなる。大切なものを守るために…

친구 방문

I am Laegjarn, a general at [Friend]'s castle. I bring you a New Year's greeting.[フレンド]の将レーギャルン……主に代わり新年の挨拶をさせてもらうわ。

레벨 업

Heat is boiling forth from deep within me.身体の底から熱が湧き上がってくるわ。
I will get stronger, one step at a time, as befits my newly made pledge.強くなる…一歩ずつ、新たな誓いとともに。
I can't stay as I am—I must improve.こんなところで足踏みはできないわ…


Thank you. I need to cut a path to the future, and this will help.ありがとう。この力で…未来を拓いてみせるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Unlike my father and my sister, I don't have raw strength. I have to rely on cunning. Tactics win battles.
Yet I could not defeat you. You and Alfonse are the first to corner me...
It's as though you could see right through all of my schemes.
Please, teach me. That's what I'd like to spend this year on—learning from you.
No matter how demanding it may be, I must study your tactics. Please.





오의 발동

In Níu's stead, strike!ニーウのかわりよ
Celebrate and share joy!新年には祝いを
To a new future!新たな未来を!
A good year, I trust!おめでとう、かしら


As long as Laevatein is safe...レーヴァテインが無事なら…私は…


It is difficult for me to relax without my armor. I feel exposed.鎧がないと落ち着かないわ…まるで裸になった気分よ。
Ah! I left myself open. Were you my enemy, I'd have already lost.きゃあっ!? …隙があったわ。あなたが敵ならもう負けていた…
No matter how I look at it, this weapon does not seem usable in combat. Perhaps it will lull the enemy into letting down their guard. Is that it?この武器、どう見ても戦いには向かないけれど…油断させる策…?
Pray, and hope that it will come true...I see. So that is the power of this tradition.祈ると願いが叶う…? それがこの儀式の力というわけね。
This kimono suits me? Please, no flattery.この着物が、似合ってる…? そ、そんなことは…
Laevatein... We are together again.レーヴァテイン…また、二人一緒ね…
If I am at your side, I believe that this new year will be a good one.あなたとなら…良い年を過ごせそうよ。

아군 턴 터치

Onward we go.行きましょうか
A new year.謹賀新年

캐릭터 페이지로