굳센 신부 라피스/대사


I'm Lapis. This outfit looks expensive, but I vow to be of use in battle while still keeping it clean!参上しました、ラピスです。高価そうな衣装ですが、あまり汚さず戦闘でお役に立つと誓います!

I'm not really a bride, but...if my mom and dad saw me dressed like this, I just know they would cry.本物の花嫁じゃないけど、この姿…故郷のお父ちゃんとお母ちゃんに見せたらきっと泣いちゃうわね。
I always wanted a sweet and simple wedding like those back home. We'd cut the potato cake together, and...故郷の結婚式は素朴だけれど温かくて、子どもの頃からの憧れだったんです。お芋のケーキに、二人で入刀をして…
What good is this dress if I can't rip it up to make bandages for allies who get injured on the battlefield?戦場で怪我をした仲間がいても、服を破って包帯代わりにできないことがこの姿での悩みどころですね。
That grass may be an edible variety! But, heh, I suppose I should refrain from eating grass in a bridal gown.あっ、向こうに食べられそうな草が!でも花嫁姿で草をむしるのは、さすがに自重すべきでしょうね。
Do you think I'll get to put on a ring from a special someone someday? If so, I'd like to make their ring myself.いつか、紋章士の指輪だけじゃなく特別な人との指輪を嵌める日が来るかしら。あたしからの指輪は、手作りしたいです。

친구 방문

I have a wedding invitation for you! Actually, looks like it's just a greeting from [Friend].[フレンド]さんから、結婚式の招待状を…じゃなかった。あなたへの挨拶を預かってきているの。

레벨 업

That's right! I'll always protect my allies, no matter how I'm dressed.そうよ、あたしはどんな姿でも仲間を守ると誓うわ。
I did my best! Though I seem to have gotten some dirt on my sleeves. No problem! I'll clean them up later.裾に泥がつくほど頑張ったわ!後で綺麗にしておきましょう。
I-I'll never make excuses. No claiming this outfit tripped me up or anything like that.う、動きづらかったなんて…言い訳はしないわ。


I swear I will use this power to help everyone in the army find happiness!この力で、軍の皆さんを幸せにすると誓います…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hah! Yaaah! Rrraaah! Phew... Oh, hello, Summoner. No, I'm not training right now, I'm making a ring.
I got used to fighting with an Emblem Ring on. Now I feel like I fight better with a ring on than I do without.
Dressing like this makes me wish for a wedding ring on my finger, but...this is a time of war. I should focus.
I made this one with a pretty stone I picked up. I think it would look really nice on you. Here!
Oops! Th-that was your ring finger! In that case...I vow to at least bring you lasting happiness on the battlefield!
はっ! えいっ! せいやっ! ふう……あ、[召喚師]さん。いえ、これは訓練ではなく、指輪作りを。





오의 발동

We'll be so happy!あたしが幸せにする!
Taking the first slice!切り分ける!
I vow...to win!勝つと誓うわ!
Bridal engage!ブライダルエンゲージ!


I can...fix that...繕って、返すわね……


This dress is so fancy. The lace alone must be worth more than all my other clothes combined.高そうなドレスですよね、このレースなんて、幾らするのかしら。
Oh no! Tell me I didn't get the dress dirty?! I'd better tend to that stain right now!ど、どこか汚れてます!? 急いで染み抜きしないと!
Who do I wish could see me in this dress? Well, um...that's kind of a secret.花嫁衣裳を誰に見せたいかって、そりゃあもう…ええと、内緒です。
Beautiful? You must be talking about the dress, right?綺麗? あ、あたしなんかにそんな言葉、勿体無いです!
"Would you...marry me?" Did that sound OK? Wait, it is all right for me to do the asking, isn't it?結婚してください… あたしから言うのも、アリですよね。
These clothes are so fine... They look like they were made for Prince Alcryst or Citrinne.スタルーク様やシトリニカなら、きっと難なく着こなすんだろうなあ…
It won't interfere with combat, of course. Even if I were in the middle of an actual wedding ceremony, I could step out and defeat our enemies, then get right back to it.はい、戦闘には支障ありません。例え本当の結婚式の最中でも、敵を倒す自信があります。

아군 턴 터치

Sooo happy!幸せよ
Careful, careful…汚さないように…
Ready to walk?共に歩みましょう

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