굳센 들꽃 라피스/대사


I'm Lapis, a royal soldier of Brodia. Quite the lavish castle you've got... Any chance Prince Alcryst is here?ブロディア王城兵、ラピスです。なんだか豊かそうな場所だけど…スタルーク様はいらっしゃるのかしら。

*chomp* *chomp* Bitter, but not the worst weeds I've tasted. Should do in a pinch if we run out of... AAH!
N-no, this isn't... I don't eat weeds!
うふふ、アスク王国の雑草って、苦味が少なくて非常食にもピッタリね。…ああっ!? こ、これはその…!!
Yeah, I had a typical middle-class childhood. Came from a prosperous town in Brodia... What? It's true!あたしはブロディアの中流家庭の出身で故郷はそれなりに栄えている町なんです。本当ですよ。本当ですってば。
Commander Anna's always trying to make more gold, huh? I guess the Order of Heroes is a bit hard up.
That kind of makes me feel more at home here.
If you spot any threatening animals around the castle, come find me! I have experience dealing with bears...もしも危険な野生動物がいたら、すぐにあたしをお呼びください。熊程度でしたら仕留められますので。
All right! Using some gravel and tree branches, I made a device that'll pick weeds for us. What do you think?よし、自動で草むしりができる道具が完成しました。材料はその辺りの砂利や落ちていた木の枝を使っているんですよ。

친구 방문

I'm nervous being in another castle... I hope I didn't smush your package from [Friend].よそのお城、緊張するわ…[フレンド]さんからの挨拶の品、握り潰してないかしら。

레벨 업

Phew! What a productive battle!良かった!実りの多い戦だったわね。
Every little step counts, I guess. I should be grateful to have made it this far...少しの成果も有難い恵みだわ。感謝しないと。
Ugh. This feels like tallying up a pitiful harvest back home...不作だった畑のことを、なぜか強く思い出すわ。


You mean I can just...have this? Really?!こんな貴重なものを!?勿体ないけど、とっても嬉しいです。

5성 40레벨 달성

When I was out on patrol, I found a few slabs of wood lying around. Would you mind if I take them?
...What? You don't want to dump your old rubbish on Heroes? But it's not rubbish if I can make use of it!
We'll just have to settle this with an old-fashioned round of Rock Paper Scissors. One, two, three... Go!
Aha! I win! And that means I finally have materials for the relief carving I was planning.
That's right...a carving of us. It's to celebrate my time here, and how much I've learned from you.
やったー! あたしの勝ちです!ありがとうございます! これを使って、記念レリーフを作ります。何の記念かって…





오의 발동

I will protect everyone!あたしが守る!
I'll cut you down to size!切り詰める!
I won't waste this chance!無駄にはしない!
Eat this!食べられそうね!


What a waste...勿体ない…わね…


What is it? Did you need something?あたしに何かご用でしょうか?
*gasp* Oh, sorry. I thought you were a bear.ひゃっ! すみません、野生の熊かと思って構えてしまいました。
Oh, look! This is a rare type of leaf. I wonder if it's edible...何かついてますか? あら、珍しい葉っぱ。食べられるかしらこれ…
Hey, be careful! I just mended that sleeve!あまりつつくと布の耐久が下がって、着られる期間が短くなってしまいます。
Your weapon and cape are so nice. I'd be too afraid of ruining that stuff to use it.その武器もマントも、とっても高級そうですね。畏れ多くて近づけません。
How am I supposed to get money all the way home from here? Huh? Ah! I...didn't see you there!ここからだと、村への仕送りができないわね…ああっ! 今の、聞いてました…!?
I can teach you all kinds of things. Scrounging up food, making tools—whatever you need!もし何かお困りのことがあれば言ってくださいね。空腹なら食べられる草を、道具が欲しいなら作り方をお教えいたしますので!

아군 턴 터치

Me, right?あたしですね
I'm prepared!期待通りに
Get ready!参ります

캐릭터 페이지로