가련한 스텝 라라/대사


I'm Lara of the Magi! I hope to help in whatever way I can.あたしはマギ団のラーラ!みんなの役に立ちたいな!

I hope it's all right that I can't help with lifting anything heavy.あたしは…重い武器なんて持てないんだから。
The empire's priests and warriors just do as they please. All the weak can do is endure it...帝国の司祭や兵士はやりたい放題…弱い者は耐えるしかないの。
Hey there, Summoner! Heehee, did I scare you?わっ!どうしたの[召喚師]?油断していたでしょ。
It's my turn to patrol the grounds. Do you want to come with me?これから見回りなの。一緒に行く?
Turn...spin...yes, I got it! Oh, hello. I was just seeing if I remembered a dance I learned years ago.くるり……ひらひらっ…タンッ!……と…あ、見てた?昔やってた踊りを思い出しちゃって。

친구 방문

Hello! I was sent to say thank you for your friendship on behalf of [Friend]![フレンド]が、今後ともよろしくって言ってたわ!

레벨 업

Just what I needed!いまのあたしには、必要な技だから…!
I'm feeling the rhythm!ステップ、乗ってきた!
Hm... I guess I'm not feeling very inspired today.ふーっ……気分を変えて…


Oh, thank you!ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

You know, I was a dancer in a traveling entertainment troupe until recently.
They treated me horribly... But my parents sold me when I was little, so I had nowhere to return to.
I was finally freed by a thief, um, I mean a chivalrous thief named Perne. After that, I became a thief too.
I know people don't have many nice things to say about Perne, but he's a hero to me. So, Summoner...
I'd really appreciate it if you had us work together. I'd really like the chance to talk with him more.
You've both been so kind to me. I hope I can repay that kindness one day!





오의 발동

Let me help!お手伝いするわ
I'll do what I can.役に立てるなら…
I can fight too!あたしだって…!
For liberation!みんなのために…!


I hope I'm reborn...次に生まれるときは…


Leave it to me!まかせといて!
Let's stay safe!ちゃんと守ってよ
I can't carry heavy weapons like most people here can.重い武器なんて、あたしには持てないんだから。
Making a living as an entertainer is hard, but I like dancing.旅芸人の暮らしは辛かったけど、踊るのは嫌いじゃないの。
I could always count on Perne to come watch me dance.あたしが踊っていた頃は、パーンが熱心に見に来てくれたのよ。
I'll dance as long as it helps keep everyone's spirits up.踊りでみんなが元気になれるのなら、それもいいかなって…
Would it make you happy if I said I miss you when you're gone?あなたが恋しいって言ったら喜んでくれる?

아군 턴 터치

Which way?どっち?
I can do it.行ってくる

캐릭터 페이지로