춤추는 신부 라람/대사


I'm just so happy to become a bride. Our love is eternal! Always! Forever!花嫁になれるなんて…ララム幸せ。あたしたちの愛は永遠に不滅なんだからっ!

Eeee! I just can't WAIT to get married!アーアーアー!幸せになりた~い~!
I'm worried that, when I get married, Daddy will be all alone... I know! My husband can live with Daddy and me!あたしが嫁入りしたらさ、お義父さまをひとりにしちゃうのが心配よね…わかった、家に婿をもらえばいいんだわ!
Getting carried away during the bridal festival is fine, but get some sleep! Your bloodshot eyes are scary!花嫁祭りに夢中になるのもいいけど、ちゃんと休息は取りなさいよね?真っ赤な目で見つめられるとこわいから!
A bridal dress! How pretty! I just want to run around and show it off. Well, what's stopping me? Off I go!花嫁の衣装、ステキよね……!いつもより多く回っちゃう!それそれ~っ!
I'm going to win and nab that bridal bouquet. I don't understand it, but I'm gonna do it!「花嫁のブーケ」を勝ち取るのよ!あたしもよくわかってないんだけど!

친구 방문

I'm here to share bridal-festival greetings, compliments of your pal at [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]城は花嫁祭りの真っ最中よ!はいこれ、祝福のおすそわけ!

레벨 업

Make way! Make waaay! The beautiful Miss Larum is coming through!そこのけ、そこのけーっ!ララム様のお通りよ!
Umm, beg your pardon?あらっ、ごめんあそばせ!
I just realized I don't care about a bouquet or whatever. Because I'm the most stunning flower there is!あたし、気付いちゃった!ブーケなんてどうだっていいの。だってあたし自身が最高の花なんだから!


Oh no...if I become any cuter, everyone will be too obsessed to fight! Wait, maybe that's good...だ、だめ……これ以上魅力的になったら敵も味方もあたしに夢中になって戦いにならない…って、それが狙い!?

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, I've been thinking about something! And don't laugh—I'm really serious about this.
I mean, you only live once, and youth flashes by in a blink.
So, well...I've made a decision about something that is very important to me.
I want to be with someone who loves me for me, even when we're old and wrinkled and gray and—
And...why not tell me what you look for in a partner? If I keep talking, I'll reveal too much!





오의 발동

Love is indestructible!愛は不滅よ!
You do, don't you?誓うわよね?
My love is yours!愛してあげる!
I'm so happy!ララム、幸せ!


I just hope... Lord Roy...ロイさまが…助かるなら……


Well, what do you think? About my dress, I mean. It's cute, right?どうどう? あたしの花嫁姿。感想聞かせて!
Oh! Hey, come on. You can't poke me when I'm looking so good!きゃっ! もー、今日くらいおふざけはやめてよ~。
You think I look pretty? Aww, you're making me blush...but say it again!きれい? あはは、何かてれる~。
Oh, Lord Roy! Don't I make the most perfect bride?ロイさま~? ララムの花嫁姿、見たくない~?
Let me handle the cooking! My father says my food is delicious!料理なら任せて! お義父さまのお墨付きよ!
I wonder if Daddy will be happy when I really do become a bride?あたしが花嫁になったら、お義父さま、どんな顔するかしら?
You get to escort me! Come on, just take my hand...エスコートさせたげる! さ、あたしの手を取って?

아군 턴 터치

Watch this!ね~ね~
Make me happy!幸せにして!

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