꽃피는 미소 라즈왈드/대사
I'm Laslow, a mercenary from the Kingdom of Nohr. Shall we grab a cup of tea? It's the perfect icebreaker! | 僕はラズワルド。暗夜王国の傭兵だよ。急に呼ばれて恥ずかしいけど…この出会いを祝して、お茶でも行かない? |
Think I'd be a hit with the ladies if I joined the Order of Heroes? White really isn't my color, though. | 特務機関って、なんかかっこいいね。所属すれば僕もモテるかも!?白い服が似合うかは自信ないけど。 |
I serve Lord Xander and will protect him no matter what the cost. Even if he chides me constantly. | 僕はマークス様の臣下をしてるんだよ。いつも怒られてばっかりだけど…絶対守るって決めてるんだ、何があっても。 |
Checking in on us? Why, thank you! Let's you and I have a cup of tea when your duties are done. | 見回りしてくれてるの? ありがとう!終わったら僕とお茶でもしようよ。疲れはすぐに取っておかないとね! |
You and I should run off on a little excursion at some point. I'd love to take in all the sights while I'm here. | 時間があったら一緒に出かけない?せっかくだしこの世界を見て回りたいんだ。いつ離れる日が来ても、思い出せるように。 |
Ah! You caught me dancing! I'm just practicing. But you'll be the first to see my moves when I'm ready, [Summoner]. | わわっ、[召喚師]!?今、踊りの練習をしてたんだ。完成したら、君にいちばんに見せるからね。 |
친구 방문
Pardon me. Could I trouble you? I'm here to extend greetings from [Friend]! | 声をかけてくれてありがとう![フレンド]が君にね、よろしく伝えて欲しいって言ってたよ。 |
레벨 업
What a surge in power! Really, it's almost too much. | こんなになっちゃって…は、恥ずかしいよー! |
If I keep this up, the ladies will surely riot. | 可愛い女の子が見てくれてますように! |
So little? How mortifying. I'll do better next time. | ご、ごめん…そんな目で見ないでよー! |
Ah! You've made me stronger. For that, I thank you. | 僕を強くしてくれたんだね。うれしいよ、ありがとう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Well, this must be fate! I was just thinking about you, and here you are, [Summoner]. There's something I've been wanting to share with you. But, please, tell no one else. This isn't the first time I've been summoned from one world to another. No, indeed. You see, I came to this world from Nohr—but I am not really OF Nohr. I was summoned there from yet a third world. I changed my look and my name for Nohr. I needed to tell you because I don't want there to be any secrets between us, friend. My real name is Inigo, and you have my promise to always fight for you—with a smile on my face! Now, how about you and I go run off and grab a cup of tea? | あっ、[召喚師]!ちょうど今、君のこと考えてたんだよ。こうして会えるなんて運命かもね! …今日は君にね、話があるんだ。内緒だけど僕、新しい世界に来るのはこれが初めてじゃないんだよ。 僕は元の世界から旅立ったあと、姿も名前も変えて暗夜王国に来た。本当の名前は…アズールっていうんだ。 急に変なこと言っちゃってごめん。君とはすごく仲良くなれたから、隠し事はしたくないなって思って。 僕、君がずっと笑っていられるように頑張って戦うから…見ててよね。それじゃ今から、二人でお茶でも行こう! |
はっ! | |
でぇい! |
うあっ! | |
That hurts... | 痛いなあ… |
오의 발동
Right where I want you! | ひれ伏しなよ |
Shall we dance? | 踊らせてあげる |
Until next time! | また会おうね |
Don't make me laugh. | 笑わせないでよ |
Sweet home—! | 帰れなく…なっちゃった… |
Heehee | ふふっ |
I'm rather skilled as a dancer, you know. | 僕、踊りが得意なんだよ |
I have to admit, I shy from a steady gaze. | じーっと見られたら…は、恥ずかしいよ… |
I find that a smile brightens the darkest of days. Don't you? | どんなに辛くても、笑顔で乗り越えてきたんだ |
Join me in a laugh? It's the best medicine. Ha ha! | 笑ってたらいい事あるよ。ほらほら、君も…えへへ |
The Order of Heroes has a fair share of exquisite creatures! | 特務機関って、可愛い女の子が多いんだね |
Where is my Lord Xander? He gets so cross if he thinks I'm lazing about. | マークス様、どこだろう…サボってたら怒られちゃうよ |
How I enjoy our little tête-à-têtes. I hope to never leave your side. | ありがとう、君といるといつも楽しいよ。これからもこうして…傍に置いてくれる? |
아군 턴 터치
OK! | うん |
Shall we? | 行こっか |
I'll do my best. | 頑張るよ |