진리의 탐구자 로랑/대사


I am Laurent, Miriel's son. Tell me, are any of my allies about? I do hope we didn't become separated...僕はロラン。ミリエルの息子です。ここには僕の仲間はいますか?はぐれていなければ有難いのですが…

The method by which Heroes are summoned is simply fascinating. If the same Hero is summoned twice...
do they exist as the same person but from different times? Or are they the same person twice? Or perhaps...
My mother never returned from the battlefield, and her body was never recovered.
As such, for quite some time I allowed myself to believe that she still lived.
As a keen and regular observer of behavior, I am able to quickly identify even minute changes in someone.
But with so many Heroes about, it's quicker to simply ask... So what is the state of your physical well-being?
Time permitting, would you accompany me to any nearby shops that deal in tomes?
Collecting tomes of curious, or even sometimes useless, power is something of a hobby of mine.
I've collected all the dropped items from around the castle. While some are the personal effects of Heroes...
It is striking how many of them belong to Princess Sharena. Is she incapable of looking after her own things?

친구 방문

Hello there. I'm Laurent. I've come with greetings from [Friend].こんにちは、ロランと申します。[フレンド]さんからの挨拶をお届けに参りました、どうぞ。

레벨 업

A logical consequence of tireless diligence.これも、日々の積み重ねの賜物です。
A fair result.良い成果が出てくれたようです。
What went wrong? Thorough analysis is required.これは…何が悪かったのか分析する必要がありますね。


You've made me stronger? What a fascinating phenomenon.あなたのおかげで強くなれたようです。これは興味深い現象ですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, [Summoner]!
You have impeccable timing. There is a tome I wish to show you.
It is known as the "Book of Summoning..." Uh, allow me to blow away some dust... "Pieces"!
It's said this tome has the ability to summon a piece of a Hero's equipment.
And the most fascinating part is the reader need not be a summoner for it to work! Come, let us experiment.
Hmmmm... Ah! It has worked! We appear to have summoned...a scrap of blue cloth.
Based on its coloration, condition, and material, I've concluded it comes from the World of Mystery.
How absolutely fascinating. And how entirely and utterly...useless...
Simply magnificent.
Have I told you that I quite enjoy collecting odd tomes such as this? It's something of a hobby of mine.
Tell me, what are some of your hobbies?
Despite the countless hours you and I have shared, you continue to fascinate me so.





오의 발동

Get thee hence!消えてください
I grow weary of you.興味が失せました
That's quite enough from you.いい加減にしてください
Defeat is out of the question.敗北などありえません


This is regrettable...悔しい…ですね…


My hat? It once belonged to my mother.この帽子は母様の形見なんですよ
What?! Please don't touch me without asking first.なっ…! 無言で触れないでいただけますか
I do hope that Askr has its fair share of curious tomes.アスク王国にも、面白い魔道書があるといいのですが
Please leave it to me to oversee the well-being of our troops, as well as the army's resources. I consider it my duty.皆様の体調管理や備品の整理は、僕に任せてください
How DO my glasses get so dirty? I must rectify this situation immediately. At least I have my favorite lens cloth.む。眼鏡が汚れてしまいました…早く汚れを拭き取らないといけません
One may scheme and plot as much as they like... But no scheme can stand against our genuine desire to save the world.世界を救いたいという思いには、どんな計算も敵いはしません…
Interacting with the unknown brings me great joy. I'm grateful to you, you know, for summoning me to this world.僕は未知の事象に触れることに喜びを感じます…この世界に召喚してくださったこと、感謝しますよ

아군 턴 터치

As you say.わかりました
I advise caution.慎重に行きましょう
I'm ready.準備はできています

캐릭터 페이지로