렌스터의 왕자 리프/대사
I'm Leif, prince of Leonster. I've got a lot to learn about the world, but I'll lend you my strength all the same. | ぼくはレンスターの王子リーフ。未熟者だけど君の力になれるよう頑張るよ。 |
This realm may be tranquil, but war finds its way here all the same. We must not give in. We will prevail! I just know we can do it! | この穏やかに見える世界にも争いが…でも、諦めなければ何とかなるはずだ。そう、必ず… |
My home has fallen into the clutches of occupiers... But I will take it back from them. I have sworn this to my father, who they killed. | ぼくの故郷は帝国に占領されてしまった。だけど、必ず取り戻してみせる。亡き父上に誓って。 |
On patrol, are you? I'm keeping an eye on you. I want to learn from your leadership. | やあ、見回りをしているのかい?人を率いる者としてその細かな気遣い、ぼくも見習わないといけないね。 |
Do you have time to talk? I was hoping you'd give me some advice. I'd love to learn from you. | そうだ、[召喚師]。よかったら話をしていかないか?少しでも知識を蓄えておきたいからね。 |
I need to get stronger, so I was drilling with my sword. I'm the descendant of one of the 12 crusaders, after all. | 剣の稽古をしていたんだ。聖戦士の血を継ぐ者にふさわしい強さを身につけないと。 |
친구 방문
This is the castle of [Summoner], isn't it? I have a greeting here from [Friend]. | ここが[召喚師]の城かい?[フレンド]からの挨拶を届けに来たんだ。 |
레벨 업
With strength like this, I'll be able to protect everyone! | この力で、みんなを助けてみせる! |
Good! I'm getting stronger. | よし、また強くなった…! |
This can't be it. It can't! | ぼくの力はこんなものなのか…? |
Thanks! I'll do everything I can to live up to your expectations. | ぼくに力を授けてくれるのかい?きっとその期待に応えてみせるよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Thanks to you, I've gotten much stronger. I may be a descendant of one of the crusaders, but... I can't wield our family's divine weapon, and I'm not even close to matching my father's strength. I've been frustrated by this for a long time...so much so that I've made some very stupid mistakes. I have learned one thing—you don't get strong overnight. I've got no choice but to keep inching forward... And I want to continue to fight by your side. That's how I'll learn what true strength is. What I want more than anything is the ability to protect those who matter most to me. | やあ、[召喚師]、きみのおかげで、ぼくはここまで強くなれた。本当に感謝しているよ。 ぼくは聖戦士の血を引いているけれどまだ父上には遠く及ばないし、聖なる武器を扱うこともできない。 それで気が焦ってばかりで、取り返しのつかない失敗をしてしまった事もある… だけど、人は急に強くなるなんてできない。少しずつ、進んでいくしかないんだ。だから… これからも、きみと共に戦うことで確かな強さを身につけていきたいんだ。大切な人たちを守れる強さを。 |
はっ! | |
ええいっ! |
うああっ! | |
It's nothing... | このくらい…! |
오의 발동
I won't run anymore. | もう逃げない! |
Whatever it takes! | どんなことでも! |
I'll take it back...all of it! | ぼくが取り戻す! |
This is my fight! | 戦わなければ! |
I failed you... | みんな…すまない… |
light laugh | ふふ |
I must become stronger. Much stronger. | もっともっと、強くならなければ… |
Whuh... Is that some kind of greeting where you come from? | わっ!? え、今のがあなたの国の挨拶なのか? |
The night my country fell, the sky was red. I remember looking up at it from Finn's arms... I didn't understand what had happened. | 祖国が落ちた夜…ぼくはフィンの腕の中で、呆然と赤い空を見上げていた… |
I fled the castle. I abandoned them all — all the people it was my duty to protect. | ぼくは守るべき民を捨て、城から逃げ出した… |
I will never again let someone sacrifice their life in exchange for mine. | ぼくはもう、誰かを犠牲にして生きるのはいやなんだ。 |
If I was stronger...just a little bit stronger... | ぼくに、もう少しでも力があれば… |
You're a leader. There's a lot I can learn by watching you. | 国を統べる者として、あなたから学ばせてほしい |
아군 턴 터치
Yeah. | うん |
OK. Now what? | あなたの策は? |
Come on! | 行こう |
공격 - 신장
たあっ | |
でやあっ |
피격 - 신장
くっ… | |
I can still fight...! | まだいける…! |
오의 발동 - 신장
I'll turn to you ice! | 凍らせてやる! |
Shatter! | 砕け散れ! |
Victory is mine! | 倒してみせる! |
Right where I want you! | 望むところだ! |
패배 - 신장
A bit...too cold... | ばかな…そんな… |
상태창 - 신장
All right. | ふう… |
This clothing is from Nifl. I like the look of it. | ニフル王国の衣装を支給されたんだ。似合うかな。 |
Bit of a mischief maker, aren't you? | わあっ!? あなたか…まったく、悪戯が好きだな。 |
Clothing has been the last thing on my mind... I'm glad you thought about it for me. | 服になんて構う余裕がなかったから…気を使ってくれて嬉しいよ。 |
Nifl's the land of ice, which makes it basically the opposite of Leonster. | ニフルは氷の国と言われているのかい? レンスターとは全然違うな。 |
I must seem rather young and inexperienced compared to Lord Seliph. | セリス様に比べると、ぼくはまだまだ子供なのかもしれない。 |
I wonder what Father and Mother will say. Heh. The thought actually makes me a little nervous. | 父上や母上は何ておっしゃるだろうか…緊張するな… |
Your kindness inspires people. That's why they follow you. | あなたのその心の温かさこそが皆に慕われる理由なんだろうな。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Let's go. | もちろん |
It's cold. | 寒いな… |
Never give up. | あきらめない! |