밀정괴도 레일라/대사
I'm Leila. Are you looking for a thief? Count me in. | 怪盗役をこの私が?わかったわ。このレイラ、見事に演じきってみせましょう。 |
Matthew's more of a master thief than I am. But I'll do what I can. | 怪盗役を演じるのなら私よりマシューのほうが似合う気がするんだけど… |
Treading lightly is nothing new to me. For a spy, it's second nature. | 忍び足なら慣れてるの。密偵の仕事には欠かせない技だから。 |
Lord Hector is the sort of eccentric who'd enjoy a festival like this. | こういうお祭りはヘクトル様が好きそうな気がするわ。あの方は変わり者だから。 |
What do you think? Does the mask complete the illusion? | 仮面をつけたら雰囲気が出るわね。あなたもどう? 違う自分みたいでいい気分転換になるわよ。 |
The outfit's functional enough, but you'd think the last thing a thief would want is to stand out. | この装束、動きやすいけれど盗賊の衣装にしてはちょっと派手すぎじゃないかしら? |
친구 방문
I have a secure message to deliver to [Summoner], entrusted to me by [Friend]. | [召喚師]様。[フレンド]様から預かった密書、確かにお渡ししました。 |
레벨 업
Once I get eyes on the valuables, they're as good as mine. | 怪盗レイラ、一度狙ったお宝は絶対に逃がさないわよ。 |
Can't afford to get careless. | どこを見ているのかしら?油断するほど余裕はないでしょ。 |
I must have made a mistake... | 見積もりが甘かったみたいね…。 |
I'll help myself to whatever isn't nailed down. | 怪盗らしく、このお宝は頂いていくことにするわね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
So, what do you think? Do I look the part, [Summoner]? Spying and thieving have a lot in common. I'm used to the former, so the latter comes easily. Of course, spies are interested in acquiring information, not material goods. But the skills translate. I enjoy a straightforward stealth mission. Get to the objective, keep out of sight. Simple as that. So feel free to give me as much of this work as you've got. Trust me, the risk of losing my life is nothing at all in comparison to what I'm used to. | どう? [召喚師]。私の怪盗姿はさまになっていたかしら? 密偵の主な任務はさまざまな場所に潜入して情報を集めること。 だから、こういうのは得意なのよ。いろいろな役目を演じるのはね。 人の目をあざむいて任務を達成するという点では怪盗も密偵も、似ているのかもね。 また、なにか任務があったら遠慮なく呼んでちょうだい。 こういう、命を落とすような心配がない任務なら大歓迎よ。 |
- | たっ |
- | どう? |
- | きゃあっ! |
- | 捕まる…! |
오의 발동
That's as good as mine. | いただくわ |
Show me your valuables. | お宝はどこ? |
My first target… | 狙いをさだめて… |
Here I am. | レイラ参上よ |
Matthew...I'm sorry... | マシュー…ごめんなさい… |
- | うふっ |
The most masterful skill in thievery is to do the work without being detected. | 怪盗、ね…。仕事は、目立たないのが一番だと思うけど… |
*startled noise* If just anyone can sneak up on me, I'm not half the thief I thought I was. | きゃっ…!? …もう、簡単に後ろを取られるなんて怪盗失格ね。 |
My skills as a spy will help me steal with panache. | 密偵のスキルを生かして、華麗に盗んでみせるわ。 |
What do I want? That's a good question. Perhaps a peaceful life with Matthew... Silly, I know. | 欲しいもの? そうねえ、マシューとの平穏な暮らし…なんてね。 |
I can't decide if it's riskier to live as a spy or a thief. | 密偵も怪盗も、仕事のやばさはいい勝負ね… |
All it took to shake you from my tail was putting on a mask… Hah. Talk to me again when you're more astute. | 仮面をつけただけで私を見失うなんて…もう口きいてあげないんだから。 |
I'll steal whatever you desire. | あなたの求めるもの、何でも奪ってきてあげる。うふふ… |
아군 턴 터치
Your decision? | 決めた? |
Hmm... | うーん… |
On the job. | 手に入れるわ |