송곳니의 소굴에 숨은 꽃 레일라/대사


...And who might you be? ...Huh? Me? Well, if you must know, I'm Leila. I'd steer clear of me if I were you...
Trust me. It's for your own good.

Life would sure be easier if we all knew where each other stood... That goes for friends too, not just foes...
...Huh? Oh, don't mind me. Just talking to myself.
Oh, Matthew... You said you wanted me to meet your family, right? What else can that mean to a lady besides...マシュー……私を家族に紹介したいだなんて。それって、そういうことよね?
How many times do you think I could cut you before you noticed? ...Heh.
Oh, don't worry! It just looked like you were off in your own little world, so I thought I'd have a little fun.
Hm? Oh, I'm just familiarizing myself with my surroundings. It's something I always do...in case I need to escape.え……ただの見回りよ。いざというときのために、この城からの脱出口くらい知っておかないとね。
I never give less than my all. That may sound extreme, but it pays off when it's a matter of life and death.私はいつも命がけよ。必死なの。戦場では、それが紙一重の差につながるわ。

친구 방문

I come bearing greetings from your friend [Friend].[フレンド]様からの挨拶を預かって参りました。こちらになります。

레벨 업

If one of the Four Fangs came at me now, I'd give them a good run for their money...今の私なら、あの【四牙】とも互角に……!
As you say.おおせのままに。
Just have to grin and bear it...……いまは耐えなければ。


I take it you have something in mind for me, and that's why you're giving this to me... Well, I won't say no.私をこれ以上使って、何をするつもり?ふふっ、悪い気はしないけど。

5성 40레벨 달성

You're pretty amazing, you know that? To have gathered so many Heroes under one banner...
And beyond even that, your potential may rival even that of Lord Hector!
Yes, I said "Lord" Hector... I already know there's no point in hiding the fact I'm an Ostian spy from you.
As a spy, I infiltrate organizations, lurk in their darkest corners, listening and leaking information to the outside.
Oh, but don't worry. I'm not here on orders. No, no...I'm just here because, well...you summoned me, of course.
I suppose that means I take orders from you, then! Danger's nothing new to me, so I'll take any mission!





오의 발동

I'll keep looking.さぐってみるわ
You're a slippery one!勝手な人ね
No escape!逃がさない!
For my lord!主のために!




I am Leila. Pleased to make your acquaintance.レイラと申します。お見知りおきを。
Who goes there?! ...Oh, it's just you. You're bad for my heart, you know that?何者!? …なあんだ、あなた。心臓に悪いわね。
I'm a spy. Everything I do is dangerous. Risking my life is just part of the job.密偵の仕事にやばくないものなんてないわ。いつも命がけよ。
Matthew wanted me to visit his hometown, but wouldn't say why. He's as slippery as ever...マシューったら、今度私を故郷に連れていくんですって。勝手なんだから。
It seems that Lord Uther has his hands full with his brother, the young Lord Hector. He's quite a character.ウーゼル様も、変わり者のヘクトル様には手を焼いているみたい。
Matthew... After this mission, we're going to put this life behind us...この仕事が終わったら…マシュー、あなたと……
If you ask me, then yes... I will take on even the most dangerous mission.あなたのためなら、どんな危険な任務も果たしてみせるわ。

아군 턴 터치

Smart move.賢明ね。
As you say.おおせのままに。

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