화려한 그림자 레일라/대사


I'm Leila. My job is to gather intel, infiltrate the enemy, and sabotage them. All good uses of my skills.レイラよ。潜入工作と情報収集が私の仕事。うまく使ってちょうだい。

Valor, the Dread Isle, is off the southern coast of Lycia. I hear the Dragon's Gate is there...リキアの南の海に浮かぶ【魔の島】ヴァロール……そこに竜の門はあるらしいわ。
I was following Lord Uther's orders to investigate Marquess Pherae's disappearance.私はウーゼル様の命によりフェレ侯失踪の謎について単身で【黒い牙】に潜入していたの。
You should really rest. The only reason I can work nonstop is because I've trained for it.私が昼夜なく働いても平気なのは、そういう訓練をしているからよ。でも、あなたはちゃんと休みなさい。
This castle is not the most secure, but in the areas that really matter, it's managed well. Impressive.感心ね。この城の警備、隙が多いようで肝心なところはきちんと管理されているわ。
I posed as a member of the Black Fang for the past several months.私はこの数ヶ月間、【黒い牙】の一員になりすましていたの。

친구 방문

I am Leila. Pleased to make your acquaintance. This is a gift from [Friend].レイラと申します、お見知りおきを。[フレンド]様からの贈り物です。

레벨 업

Seems you were too late to challenge me. Get lost, won't you?私の前に立つには、いろいろと遅すぎたようね。一昨日からやり直したら?
Not bad.悪くはないわね。
Just keep moving, Matthew...like you always do...マシュー……どうしているかしら。あなたはあなたらしく、走り続けて……


Thank you. I take it this is to prepare for our next job, right?次の仕事の準備かしら。よろしくね。

5성 40레벨 달성

The Black Fang were once regarded as chivalrous by the common folk.
As an organization of assassins, they targeted only nobles who preyed on the weak.
But their leader has changed since his second marriage. Now, their targets are based purely on price.
A mysterious man, Nergal, controls the Black Fang through their leader's new wife, Sonia.
My role is to determine Nergal's goals and prevent him from achieving them.
I have a bad feeling... Lord Uther does as well. We must stop the Black Fang, at any cost!





오의 발동

Watch yourself!どいてちょうだい
Got what it takes?私に勝てる?
Don't underestimate me.甘く見ないで
This'll end it!これで決めるわ




So, what do you think? New weapon, new outfit...どう? 衣装も武器も新品よ。
Hey! That's it, you've done it. One day, you'll pay for this. *chuckle*きゃっ…!? やったわね。いつかお返ししてあげるわ。
People want to know what you like. They keep asking me.あなたの好きなものを調べてほしいって、結構頼まれるのよ。
I would have served Lord Uther even at the cost of my life.ウーゼル様は命をかけてお仕えするに値する主だったわ。
I can see Lord Hector is acting rashly, per usual...ヘクトル様ったら、相変わらず落ち着くってことを知らないのね…
If Matthew sees me— No, I shouldn't be daydreaming. I need to keep my head clear, my hopes low.マシュー、この姿を見たら…。…期待しないでおきましょ。
Go on, give me an order. Anything at all, I'll get it done. I'm more than sly words, you know.なんでも命令してね。見掛け倒しなんて思われたくないもの。

아군 턴 터치

Right away.ええ
What's the plan?どうしたいの?
It will be swift.素早く決めるわ

캐릭터 페이지로