상냥한 성녀 레나/대사


My name is Lena. If you are ever feeling troubled, please allow me to assist you.わたしはレナと申します。何か、お困りのことがあるのでしたらお手伝いさせてください。

When I recklessly rush in to help others...when all seems hopeless...he is always there to protect me. Always.わたしが無茶をしたり、苦しんだりすると、いつもあの人の手が救ってくれるのです。そう、いつでも…
Prince Michalis had admirable ideals but is a man of little patience. I cannot accept what he has done.ミシェイル様は、立派な考えをお持ちでした。ただ、あまりにも性急なお方。わたしには、受け入れられなかったのです。
Nothing can go well if your heart is not at peace. So please, get some rest and calm your nerves.心の安らぎがなければ、何事もうまくはいかないものです。今は、ゆっくりお休みください。
Have you eaten yet? Even if you're in a hurry, be sure to eat and stay hydrated, [Summoner].[召喚師]様、お食事は取られましたか?お急ぎでも、何かお食べになってください。
I always cause so many problems for Julian. If I were to go missing again, he would surely worry.ジュリアンには迷惑をかけてばかり。またわたしが急にいなくなって、きっと心配しているでしょう。

친구 방문

Greetings. My name is Lena. I hope your friendship will stay strong with [Friend].ご挨拶に参りました、レナと申します。[フレンド]様のこと、引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。

레벨 업

We must all extend compassion to each other to prevent needless loss of life.全ての命を癒しましょう。もう誰も失われることがないように。
Have courage so that we can walk steadfast on a path that we believe in.勇気を持って信じる道を歩みましょう。
Please forgive my inexperience...未熟なわたしをお許しください…


I thank you. May the gods' blessing be upon you.感謝します。あなたにも神のご加護がありますように。

5성 40레벨 달성

Despite countless days of war in another world, everyone in the Order of Heroes stays so positive.
Their smiles cannot be taken for granted, and their togetherness serves to console others.
I too have found myself in danger before but have been saved by the beaming faces of my loved ones.
Your tireless dedication to supporting the Order hasn't gone unseen... However, who is supporting you?
Let me extend warmth and a smile whenever you need help. I think Julian intends to do the same.


Stat away...!こないで…!



오의 발동

I will stop you!いけません
Goddess, forgive me!ああ、神よ!
The goddess protects us!お守りください
That's quite enough!終わりにしましょう




You're safe with me.もう大丈夫
There is no cause for worry.泣かないで…
My name is Lena. I will assist you however I can.私はレナと申します。お役に立てるようがんばります。
However frightening my experiences have been, my love for Julian has always seen me through.どんなに恐ろしくても我慢できました。ジュリアンを信じていたから…
I am a cleric. I cannot bear to watch others come to harm when I have the power to help.私はシスターです。人々が傷つくのをだまって見ていることなどできません。
Julian... I am so sorry to have been a burden.ジュリアン、ごめんね。私、あなたに甘えてばかり…
Whenever you are hurt, I will be there to heal you.あなたの傷は、いつでも私が癒して差し上げます。

아군 턴 터치

Guide me.お導きを
This might be difficult.難しいです…
For the people.人々のために

캐릭터 페이지로