다나의 무희 리인/대사


I'm Lene! You'll get to know me faster if I dance instead of talk, so... Here goes!はじめまして、あたしはリーン。アグストリアで一番の踊り子だよ。自己紹介の代わりに一曲踊って見せよっか。

When it's time to go shopping, I dance to earn money for ingredients... What do you want for dinner?今日は市場に行こうかな?ここのみんなの好みを聞いて、踊りに取り入れなくちゃ。
Through dancing, I transmit energy to the audience. Even though I'm in a new world now, that hasn't changed.あたしの踊りは見る人を元気にするの。それはこの世界でも変わらないみたい。
You're always up so early. Impressive! Hey, why don't I accompany you on your rounds?[召喚師]!いつも朝早いんだね。感心、感心。見回り、一緒に行ってあげるよ!
As a dancer, I spend a lot of time on my appearance. Of course, it starts with clothes, but it doesn't end there...
So... Wanna take me shopping?
Hey, [Summoner]... Something wrong? What is it? You keep looking my way...
Ha! I was just teasing. You can take it easy.

친구 방문

Hi there. I'm Lene! I've come all the way here just to say hello.
Hi, from [Friend]!

레벨 업

Perfect! I'm moving wonderfully today!絶好調!今日のあたしは身体のキレが違うよ!
That was about usual. At least I'm not getting worse...いつも通りって感じかなぁ?平常心、平常心…
That's no good at all! I guess I was out too late last night.うーん、なんか違うんだよなぁ。夕べ遊びすぎちゃったせいかな…


My body feels so light... I have some ideas for new footwork— I'll show you later!あ、なんか身体が軽いかも!今思いついた振り付けや足さばき、早く見せてあげたいな!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hmm... What color should I wear today? Just a touch of makeup, and... Oh, [Summoner]!
What's that? When you look at me, you forget about the war? That's the idea—I dance to raise people's spirits!
And if I dance in rags, it will just remind them of the war, not make them forget about it.
I am not a warrior... I am a dancer. I want to bring a touch of color to people's lives.
If I can make the sadness and the terror of fighting disappear from their minds, even for a moment, then...
I've done my job.
If the war is getting you down, and you're feeling exhausted... Just come and see me. I'll dance just for you!





오의 발동

Have it your way!もう知らないから!
So rude!失礼ね!
Do whatever you please!好きにしたら!
You rat!バカ!




I'll show you what I can do.見せてあげる
Cheer up, OK?元気になってね
Aren't you used to seeing dancers around here?どうしたの? 踊り子の衣装が珍しいの?
Huh? You're getting in the way of my dancing!ひゃっ!? もう、踊りの邪魔しないで。
I hate dancing for strange men. I have no problem dancing for you, though!いやらしい男達の前で踊るのはイヤだけど、あなたなら平気よ。
I really want to meet my mother someday. That's why I dance, even if I don't always like it.母様に会いたくて…だから、恥ずかしいけど、踊り子になったの。
I don't want to be alone. Please, don't leave.一人はいやなの。お願い、どこにも行かないで…

아군 턴 터치

Watch me!あたしの番?
Look after me, OK?見守っててね

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