인연을 잇는 축제 레온/대사


I am Leo, second-eldest prince of Nohr. Being invited to this festival is an honor. I shall enjoy myself.暗夜王国の第二王子、レオンだよ。賑やかな夏祭りに招待してくれて光栄だね。楽しませてもらうよ。

I understand Xander took part in the Hoshido dance...but I prefer seeing the festival stalls in the evening.マークス兄さんは白夜の踊りに参加したそうだけど…僕は踊りより、夜店を見て回る方が良い。
We have festivals where I am from as well. I will invite Prince Takumi to one as thanks for his inviting me today.僕の国にも祭りがあるんだ。今日の誘いのお礼にタクミ王子を招待したいね。
There are ring-toss games... My gravity magic would be useful, I imagine, but perhaps a bit boorish of me?輪投げの店もあるんだね。僕の重力の魔道が役に立ちそうだけど使うのは野暮というものかな。
I had my yukata on inside out. I swear, if Xander hadn't told me, I would still not have realized it even now.浴衣を裏返しに着てたみたいでさ。マークス兄さんに教えてもらわなければ気付かないままだったよ。
There are so many food stalls. I hope there is at least one that specializes in dishes with tomatoes.これだけの出店があるんだ。一軒くらいトマト料理を出す店があってもよさそうだけど。

친구 방문

I come bearing an invitation to a summer festival from your friend, [Friend].やあ、[召喚師]。[フレンド]から夏祭りの招待状を預かってきたよ。

레벨 업

Festivals are not so bad. This feels like the start of an unforgettable summer memory.こういう祭りも悪くないね。忘れられない夏の思い出になりそうだ。
It's one's own prerogative to have too much fun at a festival, but they ought to be attentive to their surroundings.祭りで浮かれるのは勝手だけどまわりもよく見たほうがいいよ。
I have begun to grow used to wearing this yukata. Next time I will be much more successful.浴衣も身体に馴染んできたよ。次はこうはいかない。


Is this a summer festival specialty? I am happy to have it.これも夏祭りの名物?ありがたくもらっておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I didn't know you were here. I was pondering something just now.
It feels strange to enjoy a festival with the people of Hoshido, with whom we had such a fraught relationship.
Though, being summoned to Askr is, in itself, about as strange a thing as I can imagine.
At first, Prince Takumi and I knew little of each other and believed the other to be unpleasant.
However, we have developed a friendship, as you can see, through our conversations.
People from Nohr and Hoshido taking part in the same festival—so grand. Perhaps peace is possible after all.





오의 발동

This is how it's done.こんなもんさ
Quite a comfortable outfit.着心地は良いね
This festival isn't bad.悪くない祭りだ
A summer to remember.夏の思い出だね


Not so great...大したこと…ないね…


This is my first time wearing a yukata. Am I doing it correctly?浴衣なんて初めて着たよ。おかしくない?
You're getting carried away, don't you think?わっ!? もうなんだよ、浮かれすぎじゃない?
Hoshido's summer festival is, as expected, quite different from Nohr's.白夜王国の夏祭り…やっぱり暗夜王国とは随分違うね。
I saw candied tomatoes for sale at one of the food stands. Do you think they're any good?屋台でトマト飴なんてのが売ってたけど、美味しいのかな?
I dislike the heat, but I don't hate summer nights.暑いのは苦手だけど、夏の夜は嫌いじゃないよ。
I cannot believe I've been invited to a Hoshidan festival...僕が白夜王国の祭りに招かれてるなんてね。信じられないな…
I'll invite you to a Nohrian festival sometime soon. Be sure to attend.今度はあんたを暗夜の祭りに招待するよ。絶対来てよね。

아군 턴 터치

If I must...やれやれ…

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