어둠 깊숙히 숨은 사랑 레온/대사


I am Leo of Nohr. This Day of Devotion is another test I shall pass with flying colors, no doubt.暗夜王国のレオンだ。今度は何だい、愛の祭りだって?僕にこなせない課題なんてないよ。

It's just one festival after the other! I can't say I really have the time, but I suppose I must admit they're fun.次から次へといろんなお祭りがあるものだね。僕だってヒマじゃないんだよ……それは……楽しいことは楽しいさ。
I can't speak to my competition, but I'm adept at selecting the right gift. Among my family, anyway.あんたたちがどう思っているか知らないけど相手の好みを見抜くのは得意分野だよ?すくなくともきょうだいの中では一番かもね。
So it's to be a competition, is it? To select the gift that resonates most? I shall receive the most ardent thanks!要は相手の心を打つ贈り物を競うんだろう?あっと驚かせて、皆に僕への感謝の気持ちを刻みつけてあげるよ。
Yes, I can see how it would be tough to find a gift for me. Wait...don't tell me that you're fixated on tomatoes!僕への贈り物は難しいだろうね。いまではトマト好きなことは知られているしそれが目を曇らせてしまうだろうからね。
Oh, you are persistent. Trust me. I'm considering the ideal gifts for my family, retainers, and, yes, even you.そうせっつくものじゃないよ。きょうだいにも臣下にも、あんたの分だって考えてあるから……さ。

친구 방문

I have a Day of Devotion invitation to deliver. Let's see...the name [Summoner] is inscribed.[召喚師]はいるかい?[フレンド]からあんた宛てに祭りへの招待状を持ってきたよ。

레벨 업

It is a festival, after all. We should enjoy it to the fullest. This celebration shall be magnificent!せっかくのお祭りだ。今日という日を楽しもうじゃないか!さあ、盛大に行くよ!
I can see that you tried, but really... A gift like this simply can't touch the heart. Put some thought into it.気持ちはわかるけど、その程度の実力では僕に贈り物は渡せないよ。出直してくるんだね。
This is just how things turn out sometimes. There's no use getting worked up.仕方ないね、こういうこともあるさ。


Did you choose this for me? You've got good taste—I'll give you that.[召喚師]が選んだのか。趣味は悪くないと言っておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Here we are. You are last on my list. It seems you have received a lot of gifts already, but mine is unique.
I have noted the sweet smiles and kind words that have come along with the gifts, so let me try...
Ahem. You always put me ahead of yourself, so I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you too!
Don't you dare forget that you'll always mean the world to me, dear summoner!
What's with the look? Lost for words? Well... No matter! I must have melted your heart into a cute little puddle.
It's exceedingly rare that I express gratitude at all, so consider this festival a success indeed.
Just forking over a box of candy is a tired cliché, so I decided to spice things up. You should be overjoyed!





오의 발동

Accept my thanks.感謝してあげる
I got you something.贈り物だよ
Gift incoming!気に入った?
It's the Day of Devotion!今日を楽しもう


No thanks...くそ…ついてないな…


The Day of Devotion, you say? I guess I could take part, if it means that much to you.愛の祭りか…。まあ、参加してあげるよ。
Come now, that's enough of that.わっ!? ちょっと、浮かれすぎだろ!
Family comes first, of course, but I also made time to get gifts for my retainers.きょうだいにはもちろん、臣下たちにも贈り物は用意してるよ。
I'm rather confident in my ability to choose personalized gifts.贈り物を選ぶセンスにはちょっと自信があるんだ。
What do I like? Well, I enjoy tomatoes. Though I don't think a tomato would make a very good gift...僕が欲しいもの? うーん、トマト…を丸ごともらってもな…
If we can learn to appreciate each other, then war may quickly fade.互いに感謝する気持ちを忘れなければ、争いなんてなくなるのかもな…
Of course I have a gift for you! Did you think I'd forget? ...Hmph. Here.僕があんたの分を忘れるわけないだろ? はい、これ。

아군 턴 터치

Which way?どっち?
Let's make a delivery.届けなきゃ

캐릭터 페이지로