어둠의 왕자 레온/대사


I am Leo, a prince of Nohr. I hold the divine tome Brynhildr, which grants me mastery over gravity.
With less than a gesture, I have blasted many a fool to ashes.

So, I came out of that divine weapon of yours, right? Ugh. A disgraceful way to summon royals!あんたの神器、どうなってるんだ?僕はこんなところから出てきたのか…?うう…王族として屈辱的な登場だ…
My retainers are Niles and Odin. You might find them...odd. But they're really not bad fellows.僕の臣下は、ゼロとオーディンだ。二人とも独特な言い回しで話すんだけど…根は悪い奴らじゃないから、誤解しないで。
Good work with the patrols. It seems that the Order of Heroes keeps you on your toes. Let me know if I can help.見回りご苦労さま。特務機関って結構忙しいんだね…何か僕にできることがあれば言ってよ。
I'm hoping this place maintains a library. I'd love to pore over books of this realm—especially its history.今度、書庫に案内してよ。折角だからこの国の文献を読みたいんだ。哲学書なんかあると最高なんだけど。
I have mastery over gravity, but I'll tell you, it's not the best idea to shake a tree for fruit. What a...mess.[召喚師]…ごめん。外の木に成ってる実を取ろうとしてさ、重力の魔法を使ったら…全部落ちちゃった。

친구 방문

Hello there. I've come to convey greetings from someone you know named [Friend].
So, there you go.

레벨 업

Amazing! Then again, I did work hard for it.すごいだろう?僕にかかれば軽いものだよ。
Any growth is good growth.ま、当然だね。
Given that, I can hardly call anyone else a disgrace.うっ…これじゃ人のことを恥晒しだなんて言えないな。


You have my gratitude for giving me more power.へえ、新しい力をくれたのか…礼を言っておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm not surprised to see you here, [Summoner]. You always seem eager to chat.
Even when I am cold and distant with you, you check up on me after battle with a kind word.
And that concern and connection have made me stronger than I've ever been.
This isn't something I would normally say aloud, but you make me feel valuable—even needed.
That's why...I want you always to stay by my side.
I never would have imagined this when I first got here, but...I feel as if I could trust my life to you.
Argh, I sound pathetic. I don't imagine you'll ever let me hear the end of this, will you?




I can take it...この程度…っ

오의 발동

You can't hide from me.逃がさないよ
To ashes with you!塵になるがいい!
Contemptible fool.卑劣な愚か者め
May darkness claim you!闇に染まりなよ


What disgrace...お前…なんかに…


Care to chat? I'm always up for stimulating discussion.僕と話したいの?
I rarely while away the time. But glad to do so with you.少しなら、暇つぶしに付き合ってやってもいいけど
I have achieved mastery over gravity, thanks to my divine tome, Brynhildr.僕の神器はブリュンヒルデ…重力を掌る魔法だよ
You'd never guess what vegetable really catches my fancy. Tomatoes.ここにはさ、トマトっていう野菜はある?
If you ever see my collar inside out, please tell me. Not that it ever happens.え? 法衣が裏返しになってる? は、早く言ってよね!
Where are Niles and Odin? Those two, always gallivanting off...ゼロとオーディンはどこだ? まったく、主君の傍を離れるだなんて…
I'll expect clear orders in battle. Ugh, I'm sorry. I know you're on top of things.僕が力を貸すんだから、ぶざまな指示はしないでよねまあ実力はあるみたいだし、信用…してるけどさ

아군 턴 터치

All right.行くよ

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