어둠의 왕자 레온/대사
I am Leo, a prince of Nohr. I hold the divine tome Brynhildr, which grants me mastery over gravity. With less than a gesture, I have blasted many a fool to ashes. | 暗夜王国の王子、レオンだ。国ではグラビティ・マスターと呼ばれてる。卑劣な者は全て、僕が塵にしてやるよ。 |
So, I came out of that divine weapon of yours, right? Ugh. A disgraceful way to summon royals! | あんたの神器、どうなってるんだ?僕はこんなところから出てきたのか…?うう…王族として屈辱的な登場だ… |
My retainers are Niles and Odin. You might find them...odd. But they're really not bad fellows. | 僕の臣下は、ゼロとオーディンだ。二人とも独特な言い回しで話すんだけど…根は悪い奴らじゃないから、誤解しないで。 |
Good work with the patrols. It seems that the Order of Heroes keeps you on your toes. Let me know if I can help. | 見回りご苦労さま。特務機関って結構忙しいんだね…何か僕にできることがあれば言ってよ。 |
I'm hoping this place maintains a library. I'd love to pore over books of this realm—especially its history. | 今度、書庫に案内してよ。折角だからこの国の文献を読みたいんだ。哲学書なんかあると最高なんだけど。 |
I have mastery over gravity, but I'll tell you, it's not the best idea to shake a tree for fruit. What a...mess. | [召喚師]…ごめん。外の木に成ってる実を取ろうとしてさ、重力の魔法を使ったら…全部落ちちゃった。 |
친구 방문
Hello there. I've come to convey greetings from someone you know named [Friend]. So, there you go. | 挨拶を伝えに来てあげたよ。[フレンド]からだけど…あんたによろしく頼むってさ。 |
레벨 업
Amazing! Then again, I did work hard for it. | すごいだろう?僕にかかれば軽いものだよ。 |
Any growth is good growth. | ま、当然だね。 |
Given that, I can hardly call anyone else a disgrace. | うっ…これじゃ人のことを恥晒しだなんて言えないな。 |
You have my gratitude for giving me more power. | へえ、新しい力をくれたのか…礼を言っておくよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I'm not surprised to see you here, [Summoner]. You always seem eager to chat. Even when I am cold and distant with you, you check up on me after battle with a kind word. And that concern and connection have made me stronger than I've ever been. This isn't something I would normally say aloud, but you make me feel valuable—even needed. That's why...I want you always to stay by my side. I never would have imagined this when I first got here, but...I feel as if I could trust my life to you. Argh, I sound pathetic. I don't imagine you'll ever let me hear the end of this, will you? | 来たんだ、[召喚師]。あんたはいつもそうやって僕のこと、何かと構いにくるよね。 僕が冷たくしたって話しかけてくるし、戦闘が終わったら心配して見に来るし、それから…僕をここまで強くしてくれた。 自分で言うのも何だけど、僕は優秀に見えるらしくてね。周りに気にかけてもらえる方じゃないんだ。 だから、正直ちょっと嬉しいよ。こうしていつも傍にいてくれて。ここに来た時は考えもしなかったけど… …僕はあんたになら、この命を預けてもいいと思ってるよ。僕にここまで言わせるなんて、罪な奴だね。 |
せやっ! | |
ほら… |
うわっ! | |
I can take it... | この程度…っ |
오의 발동
You can't hide from me. | 逃がさないよ |
To ashes with you! | 塵になるがいい! |
Contemptible fool. | 卑劣な愚か者め |
May darkness claim you! | 闇に染まりなよ |
What disgrace... | お前…なんかに… |
Heh... | ふふ… |
Care to chat? I'm always up for stimulating discussion. | 僕と話したいの? |
I rarely while away the time. But glad to do so with you. | 少しなら、暇つぶしに付き合ってやってもいいけど |
I have achieved mastery over gravity, thanks to my divine tome, Brynhildr. | 僕の神器はブリュンヒルデ…重力を掌る魔法だよ |
You'd never guess what vegetable really catches my fancy. Tomatoes. | ここにはさ、トマトっていう野菜はある? |
If you ever see my collar inside out, please tell me. Not that it ever happens. | え? 法衣が裏返しになってる? は、早く言ってよね! |
Where are Niles and Odin? Those two, always gallivanting off... | ゼロとオーディンはどこだ? まったく、主君の傍を離れるだなんて… |
I'll expect clear orders in battle. Ugh, I'm sorry. I know you're on top of things. | 僕が力を貸すんだから、ぶざまな指示はしないでよねまあ実力はあるみたいだし、信用…してるけどさ |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | ああ |
Ready. | どうする? |
All right. | 行くよ |