마음씨 바른 궁수 레오나르도/대사


My name is Leonardo. May I join you? I think I could support you well with my bow.レオナルドといいます。一緒に行って構いませんか?僕の弓で少しは援護できると思います。

I'm sure the existence of Daein's long-lost prince is the subject of speculation for many.デインの王子なんて、本当にいるのかな……そう思っていた人は少なくなかったはず。
Daein suffers as it does because we lost the war and Crimea won. That is the sum total of the story.デインがいいようにされているのは、前の戦争でクリミアに負けたから。それ以外に理由なんてないですよ。
I wonder if everyone from the Dawn Brigade is safe. I hope we can all be together again someday.【暁の団】の皆は無事だろうか。全員そろうといいな。
Work hard, but be sure to rest to the fullest. If you push yourself too hard, then our effort has been for nothing.しっかり働いて、しっかり休む。身体を壊したら元も子もないですよ。
I'm truly grateful to live in this castle. It means I don't have to camp out every night.この城で暮らせるのはありがたいです、本当に。毎晩、野宿せずにすみますから。

친구 방문

You're [Summoner], right?
I knew right away. Micaiah's foresight is always spot on.

레벨 업

How is it that people are born, only to die so swiftly?人は何のために生まれ……何のために死んでいくんだろう。
Phew, I made it! I've got your back— don't be rash.間に合った。僕が援護しますから、皆さん無茶はしないでくださいね。
At least I'm still alive. I'll try my best to keep up.まだなんとかついていけてるかな…とにかく、がんばるよ。


Just dreaming gets you nowhere, but you mustn't lose your hope.夢ばかり見てもしかたないけど、希望を捨ててはいけないと思うから。

5성 40레벨 달성

Fighting for one's country... It's a noble cause, but it's also scary, isn't it?
It's so easy to go too far. To try to revive a memory at the expense of many lives...
I think it's nice to have a dream, but maybe it's better sometimes to have a more realistic goal.
Daein lost the war, and the empire's occupying forces are mighty. Nothing can be done until we recognize that.
I can't take on such a heavy battle because of petty grudges or resentment. But even so...I'll fight.
The Dawn Brigade exists so we might restore the days of Daein's people living without fear of violence.





오의 발동

We mustn't be caught.捕まる訳にはいかない
For peace...平和のために…
You won't get away.逃がさないよ
We really have to win.負けるわけには!


If I had lived longer...もっと…生きたかった…な…


I'm Leonardo, a member of the Dawn Brigade. It's a pleasure to meet you.僕はレオナルド。【暁の団】の一員だ。よろしく。
What's this?! I think you should try to restrain yourself a little.うわっ…?! …君はもうちょっと、落ち着いた方がいいと思うよ。
My utmost desire would be to live a peaceful life in Daein.僕は、デインで平和に暮らせるのならそれ以上は望まない。
It's great to have a dream, but sometimes you have to wake up to reality.$k夢を持つのはいいけど、現実的なものにした方がいいんじゃないかな。
Edward and I are each other's best friend. We're family.エディと僕は親友で…家族だ。
Summoned into another world... Why did it turn out like this?異界へ召喚されるなんて…どうしてこんなことになってしまったのかな?
I don't know how much I can accomplish with only my bow, but I will use it to fight alongside you.僕の弓でどこまでできるかわからないけど、君と一緒に戦いたいんだ。

아군 턴 터치

I know.わかってる
It's not that simpleそれもいいか…
I'll handle it.任せて

캐릭터 페이지로