지는 걸 싫어하는 여름 레오니/대사
I'm Leonie Pinelli. I hate to lose, so I'm gonna enjoy the summer sea more than anyone else! | わたしはレオニー=ピネッリ。生まれついての負けず嫌いさ。夏の海、誰よりも堪能してみせるよ! |
This is a really pretty beach. Blue skies and a pleasant breeze... I want to show it to everyone in the village! | それにしても綺麗な海だね。空も青いし、風も心地いい…!村のみんなにも見せてあげたいな…! |
My dream is to become the best there is, just like Captain Jeralt. I can't stop training, even at the beach! | わたしの夢は、師匠みたいな一流の傭兵になることさ。海だろうと、訓練は欠かさないよ! |
I can't afford anything fancy. But those frozen treats at the stall... No, resist! Be responsible! | わたしに贅沢をしている余裕はない。でも、屋台で売ってる氷菓子が…うう…我慢、我慢。質素倹約だ! |
I don't wear them often, but I like swimsuits. You feel nice and cool, and they're easy to move around in! | 肌を出すのはちょっと照れるけど水着は好きだよ。涼しいし、動きやすいしね! |
Quite the catch, huh? I'm pretty good at fishing, you know. And I can cook it up nicely too! | どうだい、大漁だろ?わたし、魚を捕るのも得意なんだよ。海の幸に感謝しないとね! |
친구 방문
You're [Friend]'s friend, right? I just caught some fish from the sea. I'll share them with you! | あんたが[フレンド]の友だちかい? 海で活きのいい魚が捕れたからさ。おすそ分けだよ! |
레벨 업
So, what do you think of my skills? Maybe summertime and I are a good match! | どうだい、この腕の冴えは!わたしと夏は、相性いいのかもな! |
That's the spirit! I think I'm getting the hang of it. | 気合一発!いいね、調子が出てきたみたいだ。 |
Maybe I spent too much time fishing... Captain Jeralt's best apprentice should do better. | 夏だからって浮かれすぎたか…これじゃ、師匠の弟子失格だよ。 |
Do you like sunflowers? They start to bloom in summer, you know. | 夏の日差しで女っぷりがあがっただろ? |
5성 40레벨 달성
I'm not confident in my ability to judge a person's character, but you, [Summoner]... You brought me to this amazing beach. I know you're a good person, and I'm grateful. I'm from a small village. I borrowed money to enter the Officers Academy so I could achieve my dream. And... I've been training hard so I won't fall behind the nobles. So they can't look down on me, a commoner. But, in front of this vast open sea, I've felt like focusing on nobles and commoners is kind of a waste of time. I want to open myself up to more, just like Captain Jeralt. And just like the sea! | 自慢じゃないが、わたしは人を見る目には自信がないんだ。だけどさ…。 こんな素敵な海に連れてきてくれた[召喚師]は間違いなくいいやつだ。感謝するよ。 わたしは平民の出身で…師匠のような一流の傭兵になりたくて借金をして士官学校に入った。 そして…貴族の連中に遅れを取らないよう、必死に鍛錬を重ねた。平民出身だと侮られないようにね。 でも、このだだっ広い海の前じゃ貴族だの平民だのにこだわるのが小さいことに思えちまう。 もっともっと器の大きい人間にならなきゃな、師匠みたいに…そして、この海みたいにさ…! |
でやっ | |
沈め! |
わあっ | |
何すんだ…! |
오의 발동
Even the sea's outmatched! | 海でも負けない! |
A storm's comin' your way! | 疾風怒濤! |
That all you got? | わたしに勝てる? |
This means war! | 競争しよう! |
Leg cramp... | 足が…つって… |
ははっ | |
Fine waves, soft breeze... Yup, it's a good day. | 海だ海だ! 今日は楽しもう。 |
Oh! You brought drinks? Nice, thanks. | わあっ!? 何だ、飲み物か。普通に渡してよ。 |
Hilda insisted I decorate my bow. It looks pretty silly, but it still shoots fine. | 弓が派手だって? ヒルダにやられたんだよ… |
The scenery's nice, long as you don't think about the creepy-crawlies lurking under the rocks. Eugh. | い、岩場に足がたくさんの虫が! もう近づかないからな!! |
The fish around here must make for great eating. | 綺麗な海だなあ。美味しい魚が捕れそうだ。 |
The break's been nice, but I'll have to work double to make up for it later. | たまには訓練を忘れてのんびりするのもいいね… |
Hey, what are you sitting around for? The waves are amazing! C'mon, let's go! | そんなところで休んでないで泳ごうよ。早く早く! |
아군 턴 터치
I'm top tier. | 負けないよ! |
Sure is hot... | あっついなー |
Let's get to swimming. | さあ泳ごう! |