전사를 지원하는 결실 레테/대사


I am Lethe of Gallia. I will participate in this harvest festival with all of my sincerity as a warrior.私はガリアのレテ。収穫に感謝する祭りか…戦士として誠意をもって参加しよう。

Why the costumes? Why the tricks? Why must beorc culture be so difficult to understand?なぜ仮装を? なぜいたずらを?ベオクの文化を理解するのはなかなかに骨が折れる。
Gratitude to the land for its blessings is not only for beorc or laguz. We all live because of those blessings.大地の恵みに感謝する心はラグズもベオクも関係ない。恵みがあるから私たちは生きていける。
Many from Gallia prefer meat over sweets, but if this is tradition, then I suppose there's no changing it.ガリアには甘いものより肉をよろこぶ連中が多いのだが…祭りのしきたりと言うなら仕方ない。
My sister, Lyre, is the better choice for a trickster. But you asked me, and I'll do anything to oblige.いたずらをするなら妹のリィレのほうが向いているが…任された以上、手は抜かない。
I would imagine my prey is likely to be surprised and flee if I wear a flashy outfit like this on the hunt.このような派手な装いで狩りをすると獲物がびっくりして逃げてしまいそうだ。

친구 방문

I come to deliver a gift for the harvest festival from [Friend]!元気か、[召喚師]。[フレンド]から収穫祭の贈り物を届けにきた。

레벨 업

Choose between a trick or a treat. And choose wisely! I must warn you that I do not hold back!お菓子かいたずらか選べ。言っておくが私は手加減しないぞ!
I am able to continue being a warrior because of the land's blessings.戦士であり続けることができるのも大地の恵みがあるからこそだ。
I-I am not surprised! No! Warriors are not easily put on their heels!お、おどろいてなどいない!戦士は簡単には怯まないぞ!


I must offer my thanks to the land for its blessings.ありがたい。大地の恵みに感謝しなくてはな。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am growing used to this outfit just as the festival is set to end. It has been a lot of fun.
I thought the beorc were strange for dressing up in costumes and making threats for treats, but...
I've learned the true purpose of the festival is to offer up thanks to the land for its bounty.
Such bounty is precious for all who live, even those of us in Gallia who obtain our sustenance from hunting.
Our warrior life is possible only due to the land granting us its bounty. We must never forget that.
I worried I had begun to forget. But this festival reminded me. You have my gratitude for inviting me.





오의 발동

Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
You chose trick?いたずらするぞ!
Hand over the treats!お菓子を出せ!
All right, that's it!本気でいくぞ!


An unsightly end...無様だな…


Uh, aren't these clothes just a bit too festive? They're bound to draw attention...この衣装は少々浮かれすぎじゃないか? 照れるな…
Huh?! You spooked me! You're a bad person.!? おい…! お前、人が悪いぞ。
Ugh, I've had it! Why is everyone so obsessed with my ears and tail?ああもう! みんなが耳や尻尾を触りたがる!
I bet Lyre would like these sweets. Is it OK if I take some for her?このお菓子、リィレに持って帰っていいか?
A piece of candy this big can't be good for my teeth.大きな飴だな。虫歯になりそうだ。
When everyone's in costume, the differences that make us laguz or beorc cease to matter.こんな仮装をしていては、ラグズもベオクもないな。
There's so much about this festival that's lively and fun. Humph. Thank you for inviting me.賑やかで楽しい祭りだ。招待してくれて礼を言うぞ。

아군 턴 터치

That way, huh?そうか
Come again?どうする?
I'll scare 'em.驚かせてやる

캐릭터 페이지로