수아족의 정월 레테/대사


I am Lethe, warrior of Gallia. This is some kind of beorc New Year ritual, I take it? I'll join in...for a bit.ガリアの戦士、レテだ。ベオクの新年の儀式…少しだけ付き合うとしよう。

Beorc clothing has a certain charm, but it's not worth it. I can barely move in this stupid thing!ベオクはこんな窮屈な衣装を着るのか…動きにくくてかなわん。まあ、美しくは…あるがな。
Pretty clothes are better suited to the heron clan. We beasts care little for such things...このような華やかな衣装は獣牙族ではなく鷺の民にこそ似合うだろうに…
I am a proud warrior of the beast tribe. I am not "cute." This outfit does not "suit" me... Thank you.わ、私は誇り高き獣牙族の戦士だぞ!か、可愛いとか似合うとか…そのような賛辞は望んでいない!
At first, I thought this "mochi" was for throwing at soft beorc heads. Now I know it is for soft beorc teeth.あの不思議な食感の食べ物はモチというのか。噛みごたえがあるがやわらかい…不思議な食べ物だな。
Our cultures may be worlds apart, but I've learned not to dismiss things out of hand for being different.我々とはまるで違う世界、違う文化…だが、違うというだけですべてを否定しようとは思わない。

친구 방문

Are you ready for a new year of fighting? I was sent here by [Friend] to make sure.新たな戦いの年がはじまるぞ![フレンド]もやる気十分のようだ。

레벨 업

We Gallians only grow stronger by the season. This year will be no exception for me.今年は戦士としてさらなる成長を遂げてみせる!
I've learned in recent years that it's important not only to get stronger, but to grow in other ways as well.この程度で満足はしない。今年はひと味違うというところを見せてやる。
It's taking everything I've got not to tear these beorc clothes to ribbons. My patience only goes so far!くっ…! この衣装、脱いでもいいか?


This gift is an excellent start to the new year. Thank you.ありがたい…!新年から良い成長ができたようだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Gallia also celebrates the coming of the new year, but our festivities are a little less...delicate than this.
For us, the most important thing is to show the clan we have the strength to survive another year.
Beorc rituals are soft and solemn in comparison. It's hard for me to grasp.
All the same...I can see the value in the way you do things. Where we value strength, you value resolve.
I would not mind taking part in your New Year's festivities again.





오의 발동

New Year's is here!新しい年だ!
Time for a change!心機一転!
This'll be good!よろしく頼むぞ!
Watch it!油断するなよ!


But my resolution...浮かれすぎたか…


The times may change, but my warrior's spirit never wavers. Just you watch.年が変わっても、私の戦士の誇りは変わらない。よろしく頼むぞ。
H-hey! No need to go wild just 'cause it's a new year...っ…お前っ…! 新年だからって浮かれすぎだ!
If anyone saw me wearing this near Gallia, I would never hear the end of it...この格好でガリアに戻ったら…皆に大騒ぎされるだろうな。
Those lions that guard the shrine have RED faces! Is that normal for lions in your world?お前の世界には、こんなに顔の赤い獅子がいるのか? へえ…
I should've thought about how much I'll be eating before I chose this outfit... Oh well!こ、この服は…食べすぎると苦しいな…
This year, my resolution is to help free beorc and laguz from their hatred of each other.ベオクとラグズが憎み合わない世界…新年に願うことはそれだけだ。
Want to see if your luck has turned for the better this year? Then come at me! C'mon—I'll even go easy on you!どうだ。運試しに私と一戦やるか? 手加減はするぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Happy New Year!謹賀新年!
On my way!迷うなよ
We'll see what happens!運試しだ!

캐릭터 페이지로