성제를 노래하는 바람 레빈/대사


The name's Lewyn. Since I'm a bard, I was asked to sing at this festival. Care to hear a tune or two?名はレヴィン……この聖祭を歌う吟遊詩人だ。一曲、聞いていくか?

Unlike their weapons and tomes, the clothing of the 12 crusaders was lost to time... This is merely a costume.武具や魔道書などとは異なり、十二聖戦士の衣装は後世に知られていない…この格好は扮装というより、仮装だな。
The legend of the crusaders and the power within their blood are far more than mere legends of the past.聖戦士の伝説、血の力は偉大なものだが、言ってみれば過去の威光にすぎない。
A festival to honor the 12 crusaders chosen by the gods, and to convey their deeds to their descendants...
Oh, to know what they would say if they could see all this!
Hmm... Perhaps I should dedicate a piece to my ancestor. This calls for notes that can soar through the sky...そうだな、我が祖先をしのんで風使いに捧げる一曲を興じてみるとしようか…
Those descended from the crusaders will likely lead their countries, serving as guiding lights for their people...聖戦士の血を引く者はそれぞれの国を導き、人々の光となるだろう…

친구 방문

I am Lewyn, a friend of [Friend].
I hope that we can become close as well.

레벨 업

Anyone tactless enough to ruin the festivities should be blown away by the wind!祭りの邪魔をする無粋な輩は風に吹かれて舞台から去るがいい!
Behold, the skill of one who has mastered the power of the wind itself!ご覧あれ、風使いの妙技。
Cloudy days are another part of life.曇りの日もあるということだな。


Worry not. I already know exactly how best to use this.問題ない、使い方は心得ているさ。大丈夫だ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Are you enjoying yourself? Oh, come now! No need for that face—festivals are meant to be enjoyed, after all.
During the war, I wandered the land. Scraps of food, drops of water... I saw people fight bitterly over such things.
But the nobles...they spent all their time vying for power as nothing more than a game—a pointless sport.
Power is necessary, and war is inevitable. But...why? What drives a person to fight?
That question threads throughout the song I wrote for this festival.
If we could answer that question, perhaps the power of the Brands would never again be used for war...
...I can sing it for you now, if you would like to hear it.


How's this?どうだ?


Pretty good...やるな…

오의 발동

Wind, guide me!風よ、導け
Shall we end this?ここで終わりだ
Think you've a chance?俺に勝てるか?
Since it's a festival...祭りを楽しもう


Fun while it lasted...戯れが…過ぎたか…


I've adorned myself in the manner of the crusader Ced... What do you think? Appropriate?この格好は風使いセティにちなんだものだそうだ。似合うか?
Ah! Now, I know this is a festival, but do try not to get carried away...おっと…なんだ、祭りだからとはしゃぎすぎないようにな。
The hearts of those who pursue salvation beat as one, now and always...今も昔も、救いを求める人の心に変わりはない…か。
If you have any questions about the 12 crusaders, I can answer them.聖戦士とは何者か…聞きたいのならば話そう。
One moment of happiness at a festival can last a lifetime.一時(いっとき)の祭りが、一生の幸せにつながることもあろう。
Even now, the world shifts beneath our feet...世界は今も、揺れ動いている…
I am wind...wind that comes before the light's warmth.私は風、暖かい光を導く風…

아군 턴 터치

Right, right.承知した
Leave it to me.任せろ

캐릭터 페이지로