젊은 전인 렉스/대사


I'm Lex, a mere warrior with a mighty axe. I don't know your story, but you can bet you'll remember mine!俺の名はレックス、しがない斧騎士だ。あんたの事情は知ったことじゃないが、ここはひとつ俺様の力を見せてやるとするか。

Looking at that pond in the middle of the courtyard, I can't help but think of the time I dropped my axe in Verdane...この城の中庭にある池を見ているとな、ヴェルダンで斧を落とした事を思い出して…あれはいったい、何だったんだろうな?
Prince Alfonse is a good man. He can seem detached, but he'd never let hunger for power cloud his judgment.アルフォンスは王子のくせに良い奴だな。あのまっすぐな性格に危うさも感じるが、権力争いに目が濁ってしまうよりはいい。
So, when do we head out? I've got nothing but time on my hands here. Come find me if you decide to go.よう、次の出撃はいつだ?俺はどうも手持ち無沙汰でね。出るならいつでも呼んでくれ。
What would you say if I told you I was going to ask that girl to tea? Wait, no! Come back, [Summoner]![召喚師]、話がある。あそこにいる子をお茶に誘いたいんだが…おい、待て、無視するなよ!
I guess you know my secret... Look, even the sharpest fighters must study now and then. Keep this between us.おおっと、見つかっちまったか。俺だって戦術書のひとつくらい読むのさ。だが他人に見せるような姿じゃないからな。

친구 방문

You must be [Summoner]. I am Lex! I'm sure you'll be good to [Friend] and company.あんたが[召喚師]か?俺様はレックス![フレンド]共々よろしくな。

레벨 업

Now do you understand the extent of my strength? By the crusader Nál, I swear to face and disrupt our foes!俺様の力を思い知ったか?聖戦士ネールの血にかけて、敵の勝手にはさせないぜ!
I know I look a little rough around the edges. Truth is, I come from an elite family, so you can expect greatness.こう見えてもエリートなんだぜ。この程度、当然だろう。
Hmph, bad luck can strike anyone, I suppose... No matter, though! Let's move on to the next one!ちっ、運が悪かったな。まあいい、次だ次!


A gift for me? So, it finally happened... You've fallen for me, huh? I knew it. It's cute when you blush like that.贈り物だと……いよいよ俺に惚れたか?顔を真っ赤にして、可愛いヤツだな!ま、ありがとうよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I teased Azelle into leaving home. To give him a hard time, sure, but...really I wanted an excuse to leave myself.
You see, being the descendant of a crusader may sound excellent, but it's only caused a rift in my family.
I wanted to escape the sinister gaze of my father and brother and live as I please for a while...
But the goddess of war had other plans for me. Now I'm helping my friend fight for the love of his life.
He has grown strong, and I have found true kinship in the comrades who fought beside me in battle.
If you ever decide to take that first leap to make a change in your life, know I will fight alongside you too.


Take this!くらえ!


Oh no...!しまった…!

오의 발동

This too is fate.これも運命だ
I'll show you what I can do.見せてやるとするか
You're an unfriendly one.無愛想なヤツだな
This isn't about you.あんたの為じゃないぜ


I have no luck.まったく…ついてねえ…


I'm Lex from Dozel. I'm sure we'll be fast friends.俺はドズル公国のレックスだ。仲良くやろうぜ。
You trying to challenge me to a fight?うおっと…何だ? 俺に勝負でも挑みたいのか?
Arvis is a total mystery. He never seemed like a bad person, so why would he...アルヴィス卿は不思議な人だ。決して悪人だとは思えないのになぜ…
Azelle carries quite the torch for Lady Edain! Heh, what a cute kid.アゼルの奴、エーディン公女が好きなんだぜ。可愛い奴だろ。
I once dropped an iron axe into a lake. A goddess appeared and gave me a brave axe in return! True story!湖に鉄の斧を落としたら女神が現れて勇者の斧をくれたんだ。本当だぜ?
My father has taken so many innocent lives. I believe he'll get what he's owed.オヤジは罪もない大勢の人を殺した。当然の報いだと思う…
If you're the one who's asking me, I'll do all that I can.まあ、できるだけの事はするぜ。あんたの頼みだからな。

아군 턴 터치

They won't win.勝手はさせねえ
What a nuisance.いい迷惑だ
Not a problem.それでいいのさ

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