미모의 승려 리베라/대사


I'm Libra, a priest from the Halidom of Ylisse. The gods have guided me here. May Naga bless us all.私はイーリス聖王国の僧侶リベラ。この地に遣わされたことも神の思し召し…どうかナーガ様の加護がありますように。

Is there a church nearby? I wish to offer up a prayer to the god of Askr, if I may.
I would pray for the protection of everyone here. I want you all to stay safe.
As a priest in Ylisse, I took up the axe to defend Her Grace, the Exalt. After that, I joined Prince Chrom's army.私はイーリスで聖職者をしておりました。エメリナ様の危機に斧を取る決意をし、ペレジアでクロム様の軍に参加したんです。
The gift to summon Heroes from countless realms is a power like that of the gods.
Please, use that power to both guide and protect us.
Did you say "cleric"? O great ones... what am I to do? Even the summoner mistakes me for a woman!い、今、そこのシスターと仰いましたか?おお神よ…召喚師様にまで女性に間違われ、私はどうしたら良いのでしょう…!
I was inspired to draw a landscape just moments ago... This land has a beautiful, even holy, quality about it...
I simply thought it befitting to capture it on canvas.

친구 방문

I come bearing good tidings for you. May the gods protect you, always.[フレンド]さんからの挨拶をお届けに参りました。あなたにも神のご加護がありますよう…

레벨 업

I feel cleansed. Perhaps this is in answer to my prayers.清々しい気分です。日々の祈りの成果でしょうか。
Many thanks, O great ones.神よ…感謝致します…
O great ones, why do you see fit to test me this way...神よ…なぜこのような試練をお与えに…


I am filled with a light, warm and pure. I thank the gods and you.清らかな力が満ちるのを感じます。神と、あなたに感謝いたします。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, dear. It seems that you have discovered me. I was attempting to paint a portrait of you just now.
I don't do this all that often, but observing you moved me...
You're a captivating person—how you move, how you summon, and even your demeanor when we talk.
Before I knew it, I had brush in hand. Perhaps the fact that you summoned me draws me to you...
I'd like to believe that my affection for you is my own, though.
I am thankful that I had this chance to share my feelings with you today.
That said, do you mind if I continue to paint? I'd love to have you all to myself, even for only a short time.
!! [召喚師]さん。ふふ、見つかってしまいましたね。実は今、あなたの絵を描いていたんです。





오의 발동

Gods forgive me!お許しください…!
Repent, sinner!悔い改めなさい!
Offer your prayers!祈りなさい!
In Naga's name.神よ…


I can see the light...光が…見えます…


You continue to fare well. I am glad of this.今日もご無事で何よりです
My appearance may not suggest it, but I'm quite capable of manual labor.私はこれでも男です、力仕事は得意ですよ
Do my prayers to Naga reach her, even from this world?この世界からでも、ナーガ様への祈りは届くでしょうか
You wish to speak to me? Perhaps you wish to make confession.なにか私に話したいことが…? もしや、懺悔ですか?
On my journey to the priesthood, I faced many hardships.僧侶になるまでは、つらい思い出ばかりでした…
A priest who takes a life...is indeed quite a sinner.人を殺める聖職者とは…罪深い存在ですね
Praying for safety on the battlefield is nothing more than a wish that another may be sacrificed. Even so...戦場での無事を祈ることは、誰かの犠牲を願うことと同義です。それでも私は…

아군 턴 터치

It will be so.わかりました
Gods bless us.神のご加護を…
Guide us.導きのままに

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