이스의 해적단 리피스/대사


Name's Lifis, friend to the sea and leader of the Lifis Pirates. Don't think I'll hold back because it's a festival!オレはリフィス。リフィス団を率いる、筋金入りの海賊だ。祭りだからって容赦はしねえぞ!

A pirate's heart beats in my chest. Wearing the outfit does not make someone the genuine article...
I'll show you what it means to live a pirate's life!
Where I'm from, there isn't a soul who hasn't heard the name Lifis Pirates, even in Munster!
...H-huh?! Did I hear someone mouth off? What was that about "small-time crooks"?! Come say it to my face!
Perne isn't here, is he? No? ...Truly? Incredible! ...Hah! That jackass.あの…ここにはパーンさんはいらっしゃいませんよね? いない?そうか! あのクソッタレはいないのか!
Wait... If I help out at the festival here, Safy might rethink her opinion of me. ...All right! I hope you're ready!待てよ…ここで祭りに協力しておけばサフィもオレを見直すかもしれねえ。よし、いいとこ見せておくか!
Why FAKE being a pirate when I can just as easil—
Prince Leif! You're...here! Great! ...As you can see, I pirate solely for the entertainment of others now!
どうしてオレが海賊ごっこなんざ…あ、リーフ王子! 頑張って祭りを盛り上げてますよ。改心したんで!

친구 방문

You look like you have time to kill... Here's an invitation to the pirate festival at [Friend]'s.[フレンド]から海賊祭りの誘いが来てるぜ。暇つぶしにはなるんじゃねえか?

레벨 업

Defy me, and it's to the briny depths with you!オレに逆らったやつは魚の餌だぜ!
Heh. Not bad, eh?へへ…オレも結構やるじゃねえか。
H-huh? Have I lost my land legs after too much time at sea? Whooh...あ、あれ? 風邪でもひいたのかな?アハ、アハ、アハハ…。


Heh... They'll never manage to catch me while I have this!これでもう、とっ捕まらなくて済むな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, hear me out... Could you do me a favor, [Summoner].
I promise I'll change my ways and turn away from a life of crime. I'll even entertain at festivals...
All I ask is that you, please, don't summon a thief from Dacia named Perne—whatever you do!
Please, I'm begging you!
Huh? There's a chance you might if Askr needs his aid one day? ...No! Not him! Anyone but him!
Not that I'm scared of him, or that he bullied me all through my entire childhood... Nothing like that! Got it?
Now, listen! If you summon him... My time helping out at these festivals is over, you understand! I swear it!
だからダキアの盗賊パーンだけは召喚しないでほしいんだ!な? な? 頼む、この通り!


Drop dead!くたばれ!



오의 발동

The Lifis Pirates are here!リフィス団参上!
I'll be taking that.お宝はいただくぜ
Don't bother running.逃げても無駄だ!
Over the edge with you!沈めてやる!


It's up to you now...あとは…よろしくな…


Uh... No.ふっ
We're the Lifis Pirates. Treasure is ours. All of it, everywhere—every last coin!リフィス団だ! お宝は根こそぎいただくぜ。
No! I won't go quietly!おわあっ!? オ、オレを捕まえにきたのか?!
Give me your gold and I'll give you your life.有り金渡せば、命だけは助けてやるよ。
Festival?! Ugh! Pirates are not your playthings!祭りとはいえ容赦はしないぜ。海賊なめるなよ!
Askr's castle is very pretty. I bet it's bursting with treasure...アスクの城は立派だから、いいお宝がありそうだぜ。
I'll show her how dashing I can be, and Safy will fall for me just like that... *chuckle*かっこいいところ見せればサフィもオレのこと…ひひひ…
I could share some of my treasure with you. I suppose.お前にもちょっとはお宝、分けてやってもいいぜ?

아군 턴 터치

Because you're asking.OK!
That so?そうかぁ?

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