해변에 핀 꽃 리리나/대사


My name's Lilina. I was just out for a swim when suddenly...I was here! I hope you were expecting me...わたしはリリーナ。南の島で泳いでたら、突然ここに…こ、こんな姿でごめんなさい!

It feels like the longer I soak up the sun, the stronger my magic gets...太陽の日射しを受けていると魔道の力が高まっていくような気がするの…
I'm really enjoying this swimsuit... You don't think it's too much, do you? It's just so nice in the sun...この水着、気に入ってるんだけど…ちょっぴり大胆だったかも?お父様に叱られないかしら?
What do you think? Does my swimsuit look as stylish as it feels?水着姿を褒めてもらえるのは嬉しいけどちょっぴり恥ずかしいわ…
I've seen other Heroes wearing swimsuits around too. Were they... also summoned here like that?水着姿の英雄をお見かけしたけどわたしと同じように召喚されたのかしら?
Heat doesn't bother me. I mean... I DO specialize in fire magic, after all!熱さには慣れているわ。だってわたし、炎の魔道を得意としているんですもの。

친구 방문

Do you...need a break? I was sent to invite you to a summertime beach trip with [Friend]![フレンド]さんから南の島へのお誘いに参りました。時には息抜きも必要ですね。

레벨 업

Heehee! This swimsuit must be helping me improve somehow!ふふっ、これもこの水着のおかげね。
The heat of the summer sun is getting me fired up!夏の空気がわたしに力をくれるの。
The sun may be hot, but the ocean is still freezing...今日は日射しが厳しいみたい…


Thank you. This will be another great summertime memory.ありがとう。夏の素敵な思い出が増えたわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

The gentle sound of the crashing waves...the ruby-red sun sinking below the horizon...
My time here has filled my heart with a peaceful warmth I'll carry with me for a long time.
It makes me want to bring my friends here to visit, so I can share these feelings with them and others!
But to do that, we must focus on bringing peace to this world first and foremost.
If only we could all talk with one another on the beach, bathed in the calming glow of sunset...
I think we'd achieve peace in no time that way! In any case, I look forward to when we can all vacation again!





오의 발동

The heat won't beat me!暑さに負けない!
Get excited!夏の熱気よ!
Need to be brave!勇気を出して!
What are you staring at?!もう、見ないで!


My favorite swimsuit...お気に入りの…水着が…


There's no time of year quite like summer. The sun is so invigorating!夏は好きよ。きらきらして、元気になれそう。
Got my swimsuit, and I'm ready for fun in the sun!きゃっ!? あ、なんでもないの。ちょっと水着が…
The sight of the ocean in the summertime is just so beautiful.夏の海って、とっても素敵ね。
Is the heat getting to you? Don't move a muscle, I'll be right back with a fan!もしかして、暑さでぐったりしてる? あおいであげましょうか?
You're right, I do have great taste!似合ってる? ふふ、ありがとう。
This is my favorite swimsuit. I'd die if anything ever happened to it!この水着…大胆すぎるかしら…?
Join me for a swim? I'd love to spend more time with you!ねえ、わたしと一緒に泳がない?

아군 턴 터치

Sounds great!そうね
To the beach?海に行くの?
I'd like to swim...泳ぎたいな

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