달콤하고 슬픈 선물 리리나/대사
I'm Lilina, daughter of the Marquess Ostia. Will you be giving a gift to somebody as well? | わたしはオスティア侯の娘リリーナよ。ねえ、あなたも誰かにプレゼントをあげたりするの? |
If I was going to give someone candy as a gift, would it be better if I made it by hand? I'd love to hear your opinion. | プレゼントのお菓子は、やっぱり手作りが良いのかしら?ねえ、あなたはどう思う? |
You have a festival about love in your world, too? Who did you share your feelings with? Or maybe it was someone else who shared their feelings with you... | あなたの世界にも愛の祭はあったの?誰かに想いを伝えたりした?それとも、想いを受け取る側だった? |
You're saying sometimes the girl confesses her feelings first? I... I... You shouldn't try to rush things! | 女の子の方から告白だなんて…そんなの…そんなのまだ早すぎます! |
If you don't mind, could you teach me how to bake? Something simple, like cakes or muffins. | ねえ、もし良かったら焼き菓子の作り方を教えてもらえないかしら? |
It's hard sometimes, telling someone how much you appreciate all they've done for you. | 日頃の感謝の気持ち…改めて伝えるのって、なかなか難しいのね。 |
친구 방문
I was asked by [Friend] to bring you a greeting. I have some sweets for you, too, if you'd like to try them. | [フレンド]さんから挨拶を頼まれてきたの。このお菓子も、良かったらどうぞ。 |
레벨 업
I feel courage welling up inside me... Time to share my feelings! | 勇気が出てきたわ…わたし、言えそう…! |
How wonderful. Today will be filled with lovely things! | 嬉しいわ。今日は良いことあるのかも。 |
Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to hand out gifts... | プレゼントを渡すのは、また明日にしましょう… |
Thank you! I hope you look forward to my gift to you in return. | ありがとう。お返し、期待しててね? |
5성 40레벨 달성
What sort of present would be best? And when should I give it? What should I say when I do give it?! Eek! Oh, sorry! You startled me! Um... Would you mind forgetting my rambling just now? Though, actually... If you have a moment... May I ask you for some advice? I was hoping you could share what you know about this festival of love. You will? Oh, thank you! Heehee, you're so kind. OK, I'm counting on you to teach me everything you can! | どうやって渡せばいいのかな…どんなプレゼントがいいのかな…なんて言えばいいのかな…? あっ、ご、ごめんなさい!なんでもないの…気にしないで… でも…もし良かったら少しだけ相談に乗ってもらえるかしら…? うん…愛の祭のことで、あなたに色々と教えてもらいたいの… ふふっ、ありがとう。あなたは本当に優しい人ね。頼らせてもらっちゃおうかな? |
えーいっ | |
それっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
やだっ… |
오의 발동
I have a present for you. | プレゼント |
This is for you. | あなたにあげる |
For someone precious! | 大切な人に… |
I'm not all sweet! | 甘くないわよ |
My present... | ああ…プレゼントが… |
ふふふっ | |
My name's Lilina. I was celebrating a festival when I suddenly appeared here. | わたしはリリーナ。ちょうどお祭りの最中だったの。 |
Eek! O-oh, my presents were about to tip over? | きゃっ!? …え、プレゼントが落ちそうだった? |
I need something really nice for my father... | お父様にもプレゼントをさしあげなくちゃ。 |
The festival I was attending is all about giving presents to the people you care about. | 大切な人に、贈り物をするお祭りなのよ。 |
What do I like? Hmm... I'm fond of sweets! | わたしが好きなもの? ええ、甘いお菓子は好きよ。 |
What kind of gift would make a guy like him happy... | 男の人って…何をもらったら嬉しいのかしら? |
I got you a little something. I hope you don't mind. | あの…わたしの気持ち…受け取ってくれる? |
아군 턴 터치
Wonderful. | 素敵ね |
Can't decide... | 悩んじゃうわ… |
Take this, OK? | 受け取ってね |