여염의 맹주 리리나/대사
My name is Lilina. With my magic, I hope to help as many as I can. | わたしはリリーナ。わたしの魔法が少しでも人々の力になればと、そう願っています。 |
As the daughter of Hector, I refuse to run from battle. | わたしはヘクトルお父さまの娘として、戦いから逃げないと決めたの。 |
It is said that although he was small of frame, the hero Roland wielded Durandal with ease, despite its size. | 『烈火の剣』デュランダルはとても大きいの。でも勇者ローランは、記録によれば小柄な方だったというわ。 |
Princess Guinivere... She is wise and so noble. Anything I can do to aid her strength, I will. | ギネヴィア姫はおつらいでしょう。あんなに気高く賢い方だもの…。力になって差し上げたいわ。 |
Both Bors and Cecilia feel that we all grow as our station warrants and by meeting the challenges ahead of us. | 人は与えられた器にしたがって大きくなるものだと……ボールスもセシリアさんも同じことを言っていたわ。 |
When we finally reunited, Roy gave me this magic tome. It is...precious to me. | ロイが再会した時に持ってきてくれた魔道書は、まだ大切に取ってあるの。 |
친구 방문
Please, keep watching over [Friend]. | [召喚師]さんですね。これからも[フレンド]さんと仲良くしてくださいね。 |
레벨 업
Father... Please, watch over me. | お父さま……どうか、わたしたちを見守っていて。 |
I am the daughter of a warrior. I will not falter in battle. | わたしは武人の娘よ。戦場の厳しさ、覚悟はできているわ。 |
I won't be able to protect everyone unless I fight. Still...have I truly readied myself for what that means? | わたしは、皆を救いたい。そのために戦わなくてはならない…覚悟が足りなかったのかしら… |
I hope to learn more about you—not your past or the status you were born into, but about who you are now. | もっとあなたのことを知りたいわ。過去や生まれの身分とかは関係ない、いまどんな人かが大切なことだもの。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
In the humans' battle against dragons, powerful legendary weapons have been passed down through the ages. Ostia's first leader, and my ancestor, Roland, inherited the mighty blade Durandal, the sword of sacred fire. After the Scouring, Roland returned to his homeland, Ostia, and thrust his blade toward the sky in victory. It is said that in that moment, the land that had been decimated by war was not just saved, but healed. I believe the power of these weapons can bring about both destruction and prosperity. With my anima magic and your guidance, I hope to aid as many people as I can. Just as Roland did. | わたしたちの世界には人が竜と戦うための『神将器』という強大な武具が遺されているの。 オスティア初代領主の勇者ローラン――わたしのご先祖さまも、『烈火の剣』デュランダルという剣を持っていたわ。 人と竜との激しい戦い――人竜戦役の後、故郷のオスティアに戻ったローランが烈火の剣を天高くかざすと 戦いに荒れ果て様変わりした大地が正しき姿に戻ったと……そう言われているわ。 ただ竜と戦うためのものじゃない……『神将器』が秘める大きな、不思議な力は世界を豊かにするためにも使えるはずなの。 わたしの理の魔法も、人のために、そんな風に使えたらなって思う。いろいろ教えてもらえたら嬉しいわ。 |
- | やあっ |
- | 決める! |
- | きゃあっ |
- | まだよ…! |
오의 발동
Using this power... | 新たな力で… |
I am with you! | 共に行くわ! |
For your sake... | あなたのために… |
Raging inferno! | 業火よ! |
I am truly sorry... | ごめん…なさい… |
Oh! | うふふ… |
With this new tome, I can use my skills to greater advantage in battle! | 新しい魔道書なの。これで戦いが有利になるわ。 |
Ah! Come on now, Roy... Oh, it's you? | きゃっ!? もう、ロイったら…やだ、あなただったの? |
Should I be wearing such an impressive outfit? Yes! I will endeavor to become equally impressive. | 立派な衣装…。ううん、これに見合う自分にならなきゃね。 |
I've been supplementing my studies by learning from the mages in the Order of Heroes. | 特務機関にいる魔道士の人たちからも、勉強させてもらっているの。 |
I wonder what my father would say if he could see how my power has grown. | お父様、強くなったわたしを見たらなんていうかしら? |
I won't be pushed aside by some other girl! | わたし…他の女の子になんか負けない! |
I promise to be by your side, now and on into the future. | あなたの傍にいるわ。これからもずっと… |
아군 턴 터치
You mean this way? | こっちね |
Oh... | あら…? |
I'll keep my guard up. | 油断せずに… |