황염의 맹주 리리나/대사


I am Lilina. I hope to succeed my father, Hector, and create an age of peace.わたしはリリーナ。父ヘクトルの跡を継ぎ…リキアの盟主として平和な時代を築きたいと願っています。

Roy, my father...people were always there for me, no matter how hard things got...
That's why I can't give up. I have to fight, for everyone's sake!
Your power seems entirely different from the magic I know. Is it like the Dragon's Gate, perhaps? I wonder...あなたの力は、わたしの知っている魔道とは根本から違うものみたい。たとえるなら、【竜の門】のような……?
All right now, why don't you take a break. You seem a bit out of sorts, so why not relax?はい、ここで深呼吸。だって、怖い顔をしているのだもの。気を抜いているくらいが、あなたらしいわ。
I still study magic every day. It's just habit now! And Roy's the same with his sword training.いまでも魔道の勉強は欠かしていないの。もう習慣で……ロイの剣も同じね。
I caught a glimpse of a young version of my father! He had a child with him. I think it might have been me...
It felt a bit odd, so I kept my distance.

친구 방문

We can be friends too, right, [Summoner]?[召喚師]さんですね。わたしとも仲良くしてくださいね。

레벨 업

My magic is a weapon of peace! With it, I will incinerate evil!わたしの魔道は人々の平和のために…邪悪な心をこの炎で焼き尽くします!
I may not fight like my father, but I won't embarrass myself in battle either.お父様とやり方は違うけれど…恥ずかしくない戦いをしなければ。
...Hm? Oh, sorry! Was I staring off into the distance in the middle of a battle?あっ?戦いの最中なのにごめんなさい……ちょっと「遠く」を見てしまって…


Thank you. Let's keep helping each other succeed, just like this!ありがとう。これからも一緒に頑張りましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

There was a time I thought myself utterly alone, that there was no one who would help me.
My father, a truly magnificent man, was gone. And I thought I had to do it all on my own. But I was wrong.
Roy was there for me...and he wanted me there for him as well...
Without Roy and Cecilia's support, perhaps I, too, would have lost faith in humanity as King Zephiel did.
It's better this way, relying on others, standing side by side with friends...
That is why you must continue to love this world and offer it your support... For the sake of all of us.





오의 발동

This is everything I've got!私のすべてを!
I call upon the red fire!赤き炎よ!
This is the end!これで最後よ!
I won't give up!あきらめない!


There's still time...思いは…きっと…


Oh my.あら
Legendary Hero? Are you talking about Roy or my father?伝承の…英雄…? それって、ロイやお父様のこと?
Hm? The greetings of your country are quite different from the greetings of my own...きゃっ…あなたの国の挨拶って、やっぱり変わってるわ。
Even during peacetime, there are still so many who need a helping hand...戦争が終わっても、助けを求める人たちは大勢いるわ
Through your efforts, I believe that this world can also find peace.あなたなら、この世界にもきっと平和を…
You are such a mysterious person... I'd love to learn more about you.あなたは本当に不思議な人…あなたのこと、もっと知りたいわ。
If it truly is the heavens that have given me this gift...then I'll use it for everyone's benefit.私に天から与えられた才があるのなら…それはみんなのために使いたい。
No matter what world I find myself in, I'll be fine as long as you're by my side.どんな世界でも、あなたと一緒なら大丈夫…

아군 턴 터치

What should I do?どうしようかしら?
My turn, then.私の番ね

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