투마룡의 딸 릴리스/대사


I am Lilith, daughter of King Anankos. My blood is of the true Silent Dragon, and I'll snuff out any who resist him.私はリリス。ハイドラ様の娘…正統なる透魔竜の血を引く者。ハイドラ様の邪魔は誰にもさせない…

I'm not just the daughter of the great King Anankos, I'm his most loyal servant. I live only to obey him!私はハイドラ様の娘にして忠実な下僕。ハイドラ様のために…私のすべては存在しているのです。
There is another me in this world? Well, that's just a distraction. If she tries to stand in my way, I'll end her.この異界に…もう一人の私がいる?それも紛い者にすぎません。邪魔立てするなら…消すまでです。
Corrin? Corrin... Ugh. Why does that name make my heart hurt?カムイ…くっ…なぜなのでしょう…その名を聞くと胸が締め付けられる…。
You're a fool! You're a coward! And a fool! You wear your heart on your sleeve! I can't stand you!愚かですね、あなたは。お人よしで、馬鹿正直で、正しくて…私の一番苦手なタイプです。
Anyone stupid enough to follow that fake King Anankos will end up the same as him: dead.ハイドラ様の紛い者に手を貸す愚か者は…私が排除いたします。

친구 방문

Only fools seek close friends. Fools like the false King Anankos. Are you a fool? Like [Friend]?あなたが[フレンド]の盟友ですか…なるほどお人よしそうなところはそっくりですね。

레벨 업

There's no point trying to resist the great King Anankos. I'll gladly beat that into your stupid skull if I have to.ハイドラ様に逆らうことの愚かさを…身をもって知るといいでしょう。
You were meant to die here. It's fun to watch you struggle—you can't escape your fate.無駄ですよ。どう足掻こうが、あなた方がここで死ぬ運命は変わらない。
Well... This is unpleasant.…不愉快ですね。


With this power...with this power I can cut down all who dare stand in his way!ハイドラ様…この力で邪魔者はすべて排除します。

5성 40레벨 달성

You may think that it was your power that summoned me here, [Summoner]...
But that is far from true. I'm here because the great King Anankos imposed his will through you.
This means, of course, that you cannot command me like you would the other so-called Heroes.
No. I'll take my time and judge your strengths and weaknesses for myself. Then we'll see.
So you should probably avoid letting any stupid notions like "trust" or "friendship" into your head, got it?





오의 발동

A disgusting fake...片割れ風情が…
I like that look of despair...いいですね、その顔
Do you wish to die?死にたいですか?
I will annihilate you!排除します




I am Lilith. Daughter, and most loyal servant, of the great King Anankos.私はリリス。ハイドラ様の娘にして、その忠実なる僕です。
Hmph! I despise jokes. Take them elsewhere.…っ! 悪ふざけは嫌いです。触らないでください。
Impersonating Anankos... Despicable.ハイドラ様の紛い物め…なんて目障りな…
Foolish humans... Did you really think you could beat me?愚かな人たち…これで終わったと思っているのですか?
Why can't I make the final blow...? I must carry out my mission!止めが刺せないなんて…この私が命令に従えないなんて…!
I've...never known love...私は…ずっと愛されたことなどなかった…
You are inferior to King Anankos...but I will do as you say.ハイドラ様には遠く及びませんが、言うことを聞いてやりましょう。

아군 턴 터치

If I must.そうですか

캐릭터 페이지로