빛의 마도사 린다/대사
I am Linde, daughter to Pontifex Miloah. I...also don't like having everyone look at me. | わたしはリンダ。ミロア大司祭の娘よ。…あんまりじろじろ見ないで。 |
I will avenge my father by destroying Gharnef with my inheritance, the great tome Aura! | 父の仇ガーネフ…このオーラの魔道書で必ず討ってみせるわ! |
I was once captured by some ruffians. It was terrifying, but Prince Marth saved me. | わたしは悪い人たちに捕まって…とても怖い目にあったわ。でも、マルス様に助けてもらったの。 |
I wanted to thank you. I know that you've been looking out for all of us. | ね、ねえ! いつもありがとう。あなたがわたしたちを気遣ってくれてること、わたしはちゃんと知ってるから… |
Thank you for the kind words about my outfit, but please don't make a fuss. | この格好が可愛い…?う、嬉しいけどあんまりじろじろ見ないでね! |
This robe is precious to me. It was a gift from my late father. | これはお父様からいただいた大切なローブなの。恥ずかしくなんてないんだから… |
친구 방문
I think that you must be [Summoner], yes? I've been sent to say hello by [Friend]. | あなたが[召喚師]さんね。[フレンド]に言われて挨拶に来たの。よろしくね。 |
레벨 업
Today is turning out pretty nicely! | ふふっ、今日はとっても良い日みたい。 |
I'm starting to come into my true power. | 見て、これがわたしの本当の力よ。 |
I can't bear the thought of my father seeing me like this. | こんなことじゃ…お父様になんて言ったらいいか… |
It is not enough that I inherited Aura—I must be worthy of it. | 光の魔道オーラの後継者として、恥ずかしくない魔道士になるわ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Excuse me—not to embarrass you or anything—but I wanted to thank you. Much has happened since we first met, but I've made a lot of happy memories with you and the others. Back where I came from, I had just lost my father, and I was...so... Sorry. I'm OK now. But I wanted you to know how grateful I am for this new life. Thank you for your concern and your kindness. You are an inspiration to everyone. | ね、ねえ。別に大したことじゃないけど、その…ちゃんとお礼を言っておこうと思って。 あなたと出会ってから色々あったけど…今思うと、すごく楽しかった思い出ばかりよ。とても感謝してるわ。 元の世界で、お父様が亡くなってから、つらくてずっとふさぎこんでた時期もあったから… あっ…ごめんなさい。うん、今はもう大丈夫よ。あなたが一緒にいてくれるから… ふふっ、気を遣ってくれてありがとう。やっぱりあなたって…優しいのね。 |
はいっ! | |
えいっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
I-I won't lose | ま、負けないっ |
오의 발동
Divine radiance, heed me! | 光よ! |
You're in trouble now. | とどめよ! |
This is going to hurt. | 怪我するわよ! |
I won't lose! | 負けるもんですか |
Father... | ああ…そんな… |
Heehee | ふふ |
Did you need me for something? | 私に何か用かしら? |
Ah! What do you want? | きゃっ!? な、何よ? |
These clothes were a gift from my father. I wear them in his honor. | お父様からいただいた服なの |
I'm a little shy with crowds, but I'm not embarrassed by anything I've done. | 恥ずかしくなんてないんだから… |
I'm proud to call myself Miloah's child. | 大司祭ミロアの娘よ。 |
I will avenge my father and bring his killer to justice. | お父様の仇は、この手で… |
Oh, care for a longer chat? | …ねえ。もう少し話をしない? |
아군 턴 터치
OK. | いいわ |
What next? | どうしようかしら… |
Ready. | ちゃんと見ていて |
공격 - 신장
やあっ | |
倒れて! |
피격 - 신장
ああっ | |
いやぁっ…! |
오의 발동 - 신장
How's this? | これでどう? |
With my strength... | 私の力で… |
I'll open the way! | 開いてみせる! |
You won't escape! | 許さないわ! |
패배 - 신장
I wish I'd... | ごめんなさい… |
상태창 - 신장
Umm... | うーん… |
I thought it was about time I change my outfit. What do you think? | ちょっと服を変えてみたの。どうかしら? |
Eek! Ooh, how many times must I tell you: Stop sneaking up on me! | きゃあっ!? もう、びっくりさせないでっていつも言ってるでしょ。 |
I know it's different, but...this clothing is comforting somehow. I can't quite explain it! | この衣装は…何ていうか、安心感があるわね。包まれているというか… |
I'm still quite fond of my usual outfit. It was a gift from my father... | いつもの服も大好きよ? お父様からいただいた大事な服ですもの。 |
Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena are always so kind to me. | アルフォンス王子にもシャロン王女にも、とてもよくしてもらっているわ。 |
It would be wonderful if I could meet my father in this world... | この異界で、お父様にもお会いできればいいのに… |
Our clothes match now! I suppose that's not so unusual for you, is it? | あなたと同じ衣装…なんだかくすぐったい気分ね。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
As you say. | 従うわ |
Which way? | こっち? |
Orders please. | 指示をちょうだい |