헤브링 백작가 린하르트/대사


I'm Linhardt. I was considering dedicating myself to Crest research but, well... Here I am, I suppose.僕はリンハルト。紋章学を修めようと思ってます。まあよろしくお願いしますよ。

Maybe it would be good if I tried from time to time... On second thought, it sounds like a pain.たまには頑張ってみようかなあ……。いや、やっぱり面倒くさいし、いいや。
This moment of quiet ought to go on forever... *yawn* It's the perfect sound to sleep to.この穏やかな時間がいつまでも続けばいいのに…ふわあ……ああ、眠い。
If you insist on talking to me, you must first defeat the demon of drowsiness—which is no easy task.そんなに僕と話をしたいなら、睡魔を倒すのを手伝ってくださいよ。もう、それはそれは大変なんですから……
Crest versus nurture. Which causes a noble's personality disorder? There's a research project, eh?
Now, would you find me someone with a disorder?
Fighting holds no interest for me. Someday, though, I might like to become a Crest scholar...
Have you heard of the Crest of Flames by chance?

친구 방문

I was asked to come here and had no opportunity to decline. So, here you are. From [Friend].[フレンド]に頼まれると嫌とは言えなくて……はいこれ、友好の証ですって。

레벨 업

I'd rather not kill. I don't want blood on my hands. I just want to read a nice book to put myself to sleep...僕は殺し合いで血なんて浴びたくない…本でも読みながら、寝転がって過ごしたい…それが許される身になるのが目標です。
Honor? A foolish reason to fight. Glory? Even worse. Let's stop this.名誉とか、大いなる目的とか、そんなもののために戦う必要なんてないでしょう?ね、もう終わりにしましょう。
Is there a point to me fighting if the result is only this unpleasantness?こんな思いをしてまで戦わなきゃいけない理由ってあります?


Is that all you wanted with me? Well, my nap time is coming up, so...用事は済みました?では、これから昼寝の時間なので……

5성 40레벨 달성

I don't sleep all the time like everyone thinks I do. I actually study more than anything, if you ask me.
I don't enjoy speaking with others, so I like nighttime, when no one else is around. It suits me the best.
And then, since I'm up all night, I end up sleeping during the day.
You're aware, are you? Well, while we're on the subject, you're rather active at night too, are you not?
I ought to ask when exactly you sleep.
Do you have a Crest that causes insomnia, perhaps? Mind removing that hood and cloak so I can check?
You may have a Crest hidden somewhere on your body...
Oh, not here? All right... Well, let's go to my room then, shall we?
Truthfully, I've been interested in you for quite some time now. Wait, why are you leaving? It's just for research!





오의 발동

Let's get this over with.面倒なんだけどな
I guess I have to.仕方ないなあ
I may as well win.やる以上は勝ちたいね
Huh. An opening.お、隙ありだね


Time for a nap...はあ…骨折り損、だなあ…


...Now try to stand.ほら、立って
I'll make this quick.ちゃっちゃとやるよ
I am Linhardt. It's nice to meet you.僕はリンハルト。これからよろしくお願いしますよ。
Say, do you know of a quiet place to take a nap?ねえ、どこか昼寝にちょうどいい場所知らない?
Each person must follow their own way. This is how I prefer to live.人の在り方はそれぞれだよ。僕はこの生き方が気に入ってるんだ。
I have to fight in this world too? Ugh. Fine.この世界でも戦わなきゃいけないの? うわあ、面倒だなあ。
You do have a cute side to you.君って可愛いとこあるよね。

아군 턴 터치

Hmph. Battle.この空気…苦手だ
Still so unsure.慣れないなあ
I'd like to take it easy.攻め時かも

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