봄잠자는 제자 린하르트/대사


Who are you? You interrupted my nap. I am Linhardt. I thought I was merely dreaming of a spring festival...誰だい、僕を起こすのは?僕はリンハルト。アスク王国の春祭りの夢を見てたはずなんだけど…。

Even Askran royalty are willing to don rabbit costumes during the festival... I appreciate how relaxed this place is.アスク王国の王族も春の祭りでは兎の格好をするんだ…。おおらかな国なんだね、気に入ったよ。
I wouldn't be surprised to find that a napping Crest exists somewhere in another world.これだけたくさんの異界があるんだ。どこかに居眠りの紋章があっても不思議じゃないよ。
I see you insist on doing patrols, even during a festival. Why don't you rest with an afternoon nap instead?[召喚師]…お祭りの日も見回りかい?少し休んで、昼寝をするのはどうかな。
You mean you don't take naps during the spring festival? Why not? It's the perfect cozy atmosphere.え? アスク王国の春の祭りって一日中、居眠りをする祭りじゃないの?寝るには絶好の陽気なのに。
I never thought I'd enter another world dressed as a rabbit. Perhaps I'm dreaming...異界に来て、兎の格好をするとは思わなかったよ。まあ、これも夢の中の出来事かもしれないけどね。

친구 방문

Hm? Where am I? Last I remember, I lay down for a nap... Is this not [Friend]'s castle?ん? ここは…どこだろう…[フレンド]の城で居眠りをしてたはずなんだけどな。

레벨 업

I never would have believed I could become this strong. It really does feel like a dream.こんなに強くなれるなんて…まさに夢見心地っていうやつかな。
Are we all wrapped up? Good. I'm going back to sleep.もう片付いたかな?じゃあ、もうひと眠りするよ。
I can't help but doze off when fatigue strikes. I'd imagine that to be true for any Hero...眠さには抗えないよ。どんな英雄でもそうじゃないかな…。


I really would have preferred a soft pillow instead, but to respect your thoughtfulness, I will accept this gift.本当は眠りやすい枕が欲しかったけどせっかくの気遣い…ありがたくもらっておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Someone at the festival taught me this expression: "In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn."
Supposedly it means that spring nights are so comfortable, you end up sleeping through the morning.
I will admit I tend to sleep through the morning no matter the season, but there's something about spring...
What do you suppose makes spring so exceptionally comfortable? It may be worth researching.
Actually, if this is the perfect season for sleep, shouldn't we all be sleeping instead of having a festival?
I'm only joking. It's easy to see how much fun everyone is having. Just look at their smiles.
No demands, no conflicts... If only this dreamlike moment could last forever.





오의 발동

It's spring, I guess.春だってさ
What's fun about this?何が楽しいんだか…
Hippity hop.ぴょーん


Nap time?もう…寝てもいい…?


I'd rather be napping, but I'll go to the festival if you insist.お祭りに出るより昼寝してたいんだけどなあ…
*start* Cut that out, would you?わっ…!? もう、やめてよね、そういうの。
Do I really have to wear this? It's a bit too...festive for my taste.ずいぶん浮かれた衣装だなあ…。本当に着ないとだめ?
Spring has the best weather for outdoor naps. That's a fact.春は好きだよ。こんなに気持ちよく昼寝できる季節はないしね。
Rabbits are the cuddliest animals in existence. Just being near them makes me sleepy...兎ってふわふわで、触ってると眠気を誘われるよね…
*yawn*... Think I might slip away for a snooze...ふわあ…こっそり抜け出してどっかで昼寝しようかなあ…
If even you're having fun at the festival, then maybe it's not so bad after all.君が楽しいなら、お祭りも悪くないのかもね。

아군 턴 터치

Where to?どっち?
Fine, fine.行けばいいんでしょ

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