반짝반짝한 왕녀 리즈/대사


In she comes, like a shooting star... Brace for impact—KABOOOOM! Startled you, didn't I? Name's Lissa!キラキラキラッ…ドーーーーーン!えへへっ、びっくりした?わたし、リズ!

Sneak a peek at my big sis's forehead or my big bro's right shoulder, you'll spot their Brand in a jiffy!お姉ちゃんはおでこのまんなかに、お兄ちゃんはこっちの腕にババーンと聖痕があるんだよ!
I'm a princess of Ylisse, ya know! Now that my big sis is queen—I mean, exalt—I guess I better act the part.わたし、イーリスの王女なんだ。お姉ちゃんが聖王様になったから、王女はわたしだけ……なのかな?
EEEEK! Do you see that huge, creepy-crawly bug over there? I bet it's poisonous! Get it away, quick!きゃあああっ、む、虫!長い虫がそこ、にょろろって!はやくどっかやって!
There are so many really cool adults around here! I sure hope Emmeryn and Chrom grow up to be like them!ここはすてきなひとたちでいっぱい!お姉ちゃんとお兄ちゃんもあんな風になるのかな?
I won't be one of those lazy nobles who can't handle buttering their own crumpets! That's never gonna be me!わたし、お料理やお洗濯もやるんだよ。いまは上手にできないけど…自分のことは自分でできるようになりたいから。

친구 방문

Hiya! You must be a pretty good person, since you're friends with [Friend]![召喚師]さんは[フレンド]さんの友だち?それなら悪い人じゃないね!

레벨 업

I'm gonna put everything I've got into helping Chrom protect Emmeryn! Just watch me!わたしもお兄ちゃんと一緒にお姉ちゃんを守るんだから!
Hey, tell me you saw that! You did, right? Am I awesome or what?ねっ、見てたでしょ!どう? どう?
Whoa, watch it! You better not think I'm just some little girl you can poke fun at. It's "milady" to you, buster!あー、いま馬鹿にした!まだ子どもだからって!


Hey, thanks a bunch! I'm gonna make good use of this from here on out!ありがとう~!この調子でいくよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Ugh! I just don't know what to think. Oh! Hey, could I maybe ask you a question, [Summoner]?
It's totally fine to bash the bad guys around a bit with a KERSMACK here or a KAPOW there, right?
See, my big sis said something about wanting Ylisse to work toward solving its problems with words.
But, hey, it's not like we're the ones throwing the first punch! We can't let them get away with that, right?
Even I know that becoming the new exalt is gonna make Emmeryn a target for a whole lotta dangerous people...
That's why Chrom keeps working to get stronger. So he can protect her and our people. That's my plan too!
I love my big sis to pieces and wanna keep her safe, so I'm gonna help Chrom do exactly that!





오의 발동

I'll get you!やっつけちゃう!
Stay over there!こっちこないで!
You need a time out!だめなんだから!
Bam! Take that!どーんってするよ?


No fair...もう…痛いよ…


Hiya! My name's Lissa. You wanna have some fun?!わたしねえ、リズ! いっしょに遊ぼ!
Hey, cut it out! *giggling*きゃあっ!? きゃはははっ! やだーっ!
Didja know my sister Emmeryn is actually a real queen? She's so cool!エメリナお姉ちゃんはねえ、女王様なの! すごいでしょ?
My big brother Chrom? He's really good at whacking stuff with his sword!クロムお兄ちゃんはいっつも剣をぶんぶんってしてるんだよ。
Shhh! Watch me slip this slimy frog down Fredrick's shirt...しーっ! いまからこのカエルをフレデリクの背中に入れるんだから…
When I'm a grownup, I'll be a real proper lady, just like Emmeryn.おっきくなったら、お姉ちゃんみたいなレディになるんだ…
Hey! Let's play hide-and-seek! You be "it," OK? Close your eyes, count to ten, and NO PEEKING!ねえねえ、かくれんぼしよ! あなたがオニね!

아군 턴 터치

Oh yeah?そっかー
Where now?どこいくの?
Let's play!遊ぼ!

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