짠하고 감사 리즈/대사


I'm Lissa, a princess of Ylisse! Is this where the Day of Devotion festival is? I need to show my gratitude!イーリス聖王国の王女、リズだよ!愛の祭りの会場はここかな?みんなに感謝の気持ち、伝えちゃうよ!

Look at all these beautiful flowers! I can't help but smile when surrounded by so many colors.綺麗なお花がいっぱいだね!お花に囲まれてると自然と笑顔になっちゃうなあ。
Well, first, I want to show my love for my siblings. Then Maribelle, and Frederick, and... whew, so many!まずはお姉ちゃんにお兄ちゃんでしょ?それにマリアベルやフレデリク…うぅ、感謝したい人が多すぎるよー!
I won't be playing any pranks today. Promise. Really! This is a day to show gratitude to everyone, not mischief!今日はイタズラはしないよ!みんなに愛と感謝を伝えるレディなんだからねっ!
Owain! You're taking part in the festival too? Oh, stop your posing and help me deliver gifts to people.ウードも愛の祭りに参加してたんだ!ほらほら、変なポーズ決めてないでみんなに感謝の贈り物を届けにいこ!
I just love wearing these cute clothes! If it were up to me, I'd celebrate the Day of Devotion every day!可愛い衣装を着れてうれしいな!これから毎日、愛の祭りをやってくれてもいいよ?

친구 방문

Guess what I have? No, it isn't a frog! This is a Day of Devotion present for you from [Friend]![召喚師]さーん![フレンド]さんから愛の祭りの贈り物、預かってきたよっ!

레벨 업

Yay! I can shine even during the Day of Devotion festival!ふふーん。愛のお祭りでもわたし、キラーンとしてるでしょ!
I hope I can show just how much I appreciate everyone close to me!感謝の気持ち、大切な人たちに伝わるといいなっ!
Hmm... Maybe I'm just not showing enough gratitude yet?うう、まだまだ感謝の気持ちが足りないってことかなぁ?


With this, maybe I can be a noble lady...one capable of discussing love! ...Are you laughing?これでわたしも愛を語れるレディになった感じ!?

5성 40레벨 달성

I wanted to thank you for inviting me to the Day of Devotion. This is the loveliest festival I've ever been to.
All these flowers, everyone smiling... it was such a fun time. It made my brother really happy too!
I learned that rather than focusing on those you dislike, it's best to show gratitude to those you care about.
I just hope this war ends quickly. Then we can really focus on caring for our favorite people...and flowers!
I wish you and my brother the best of luck. I'm sure that, together, you can help bring that happy time about.
Just as importantly, I really think that this festival brought me one step closer to becoming a true lady.
Hey...why are you laughing? I'm being serious!
[召喚師]さん。わたしもお兄ちゃんたちと一緒に頑張るよ! みんなの笑顔のために!
愛の祭りを経験して、また一歩立派なレディに近づいたことだし…あっ、今笑った!? もーっ!





오의 발동

Thanks for everything!いつもありがと!
I'll show you how you matter!感謝の印だよ
Oooh, look at all the flowers!ひらーんって感じ?
I got this for you!受け取ってね!


Wha... Why...?ええ…何でえ…?


Come on, you can do it!ほら、がんばって!
Here, just for you!これあげるから!
There are so many people I'm grateful to… Who to start with?ありがとうって伝えたい人、たくさんいすぎて困っちゃうな。
*surprise* Hey! I'm dressed up like a proper lady, so no pranks today, OK?きゃっ! もー、レディに軽々しく触れたらダメなんだからね。
*inhale* Mmm, these flowers smell so good! I really hope my sister likes them...うふふ、お花いい香り! お姉ちゃん、喜んでくれるかなあ?
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could always show how much they appreciated others? Just like we're doing right now!ずっとみんなで、こんな風にありがとうって言い合えたらいいよね。
I know how hard you always work, so... Thank you!あなたがいつも頑張ってるの知ってるよ。ありがとっ!

아군 턴 터치

Of course!もちろん!
What's the plan?どうする?
And I'm off!いってきまーす

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