봄축제의 장난 로키/대사


I am Loki, a harmless rabbit. I wanted to go to the spring festival with you, dear. So here I am!私はロキ。見ての通り、兎さんよ。あなたと一緒の春祭り、とっても楽しみにしてたの。

I'm an adorable little bunny now, so I'll use these big ears to listen to any request you have...just for today.今の私はカワイイ兎さん。今日だけは、あなたの言うことなんでも聞いちゃおうかしら、ねえ?
Winter has ended, dear. Forget the chill, and enjoy yourself under the warming rays of the spring sun.もう冬は終わったわ。辛いことは忘れて…あなたも春の日射しの下で楽しみましょう?
Rabbits, eggs, and all the rest signify fecundity...
I'm interested in hearing your interpretation of this symbolism, darling. I'm listening.
Don't let me get lonely... I might just die. Bunnies don't do so well all on their own! Hee-hee.私を寂しくさせないでね?でないと…死んでしまうかも。兎は寂しがり屋なんだもの…ふふっ。
I told Princess Veronica that "hippity- hop" is a spring-festival greeting. And the sweet girl believed me...ヴェロニカ皇女にね、「話す時はぴょんってつける習わしよ」って教えてあげたら、信じちゃったみたい。

친구 방문

Oh, come to the spring festival, won't you? Your dear friend [Friend] says you will![フレンド]から春祭りへのご招待よ。あなたも一緒に跳ねてみる?

레벨 업

Suddenly, I can't contain the urge to hop! Hee-hee.うふふ…思わず飛び跳ねたくなっちゃうわねえ。
Spring is so refreshing... And it's put me in a good mood.やっぱり春はいいわね。気分が上がってきたみたい。
I got caught up in the whimsy of spring, and look at me now.…がっかりね。陽気で油断しちゃったのかしら。


Isn't this nice? Maybe I can do something for you next.あら、いいじゃない。私もサービスしたくなっちゃうわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Don't be shy. Come closer—take a look. I wore this outfit just for you!
You're blushing, aren't you? Perhaps it's the warmth of spring that's coloring your cheeks...
Or maybe it's something else.
Spring is a lovely season. Winter's chill has faded, and everyone feels... free.
Come on! Let yourself go, dear...
Don't worry... This is a season to live a little. An indiscretion or two will be easily forgiven.


Having fun?楽しい?


Oh my...あららん…

오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカム
Welcome to spring!春へようこそ
All warm and fuzzy.暖めてあげるわ
Let's have some fun.楽しませてあげる


Defeated! Oh my.あらん…やられちゃった…


a sniffle?くすっ
I like outfits that send people into a tizzy. *laughs*うふふ、相手を興奮させる衣装は好きよ
Ah! Don't be so impatient, darling!きゃっ…ふふ、がまんできなくなったのかしら?
Well, there IS one thing bunnies are famous for. Besides eating carrots...うさぎはね、子供をたくさん産むんですって…
I wonder if I could hop, hop, hop right up into the heavens?ぴょんと跳ねたら、お空の上まで届くかしら…?
Make sure to take a look at Princess Veronica. She makes an ADORABLE bunny.ヴェロニカ皇女のうさぎ姿、よ~く見てあげて。
I wish everybunny would dress like this. Don't you?この衣装、色んな子に着せてあげたいわ、ねえ…
You're trying to reform me, aren't you? Or maybe you have another motive, hmm?私をしつけようだなんて…ふしだらな人。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.そうね
Funny bunny!ぴょん、ぴょん

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