희신 로키/대사


At last, we meet while I am in this form. I am Loki. I bring pleasure to humankind and lure them to chaos...ようやくこの姿で会えたわねえ。私はロキ…人に享楽を与え混沌へいざなう者…

I don't mind my usual attire... However, I can't help but feel this suits me better.いつもの装束も嫌いじゃないけど…やっぱり私はこっちのほうがしっくりくるわねえ。
This world... It's like a game board and you're all just pieces. Who knows who will win or lose...この世界は盤上の遊戯のようなもの。勝つか負けるか…あなたはどちらの結末にたどり着くのかしら?
The power to bring even gods to their knees... Are you aware of how extraordinary that is? Hmm?神々をもかしづかせるその力…それがどれほど途方もないものかあなたは気づいているのかしら…ねえ?
Chaos is the sole staff that will crack a person's mask. Once it shatters and falls, their true character is exposed.混乱こそ、人の本性が出るのよねえ。それまで被っていた仮面が剥がれて本当の素顔がつまびらかになるの…
It has been some time since Thórr last saw this form. Hehe... I can imagine the surprise on her face.トールもこの姿を見るのは久しぶりじゃないかしら。ふふ、驚く顔が眼に浮かぶわ…ねえ。

친구 방문

Hmm... Surprised by what you see? I got the same expression from [Friend].ふふ、私の姿に驚いているみたいねえ。[フレンド]も同じ顔をしていたわ。

레벨 업

My oh my... Quite unexpected. It is wonderful that I am able to grow so strong.あらん…これは予想外。素敵ねえ、こんなに強くなれるなんて。
*yawns* Such a common future of victories is sure to bore me.また私の勝ち?ありきたりの未来なんて、つまらないわ。
I suppose I could lift another finger for you. Next time, perhaps.盛り上がりに欠けるわねえ。次はもう少し本気を出そうかしら。


Such fundamental change can evoke joy in gods and mortals alike. Don't you agree?神でも人でもうれしいものよ。変化を感じられるのは…ねえ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you know what the most interesting thing in this world is, [Summoner]?
It is an unpredictable future, one that holds hope, despair, bliss, confusion... All the emotions one can imagine.
A predictable future is boring, but the unexpected is never mundane, don't you agree?
It's all the more exciting to me when plans go awry. Hehe... A welcoming chaos.
If you know who wins and loses from the start, what is the point in playing the game, hmm?
I have high hopes for the sort of future you'll show me. One of extraordinary unpredictability.





오의 발동

Good night, dear.おやすみなさい
Try a little harder for me.油断しないで?
I'll enjoy this!人に享楽を
Show me chaos.混乱を見せて


Mmm, magnificent...ふふ…お見事…


I can take care of you...癒されたい…?
My name is Loki, and I must enjoy myself, darling. Remember that.我が名はロキ。求めるものは、おもしろさ。
Thórr is an old friend of mine. I do so love teasing her. Don't you?トールは古くからの友達なの…遊びがいのある子よねえ?
Now that you've seen what I look like as a god, what do you think? Are you ready to fall in love all over again?これが神としての私の姿…どうかしら? 惚れ直した?
I don't know who will win or lose. That's what makes it all so interesting.勝つか負けるか、わからない…そういう遊びの方が面白いわ。
Even the gods must bow their heads to you. How wonderful it must be, to have the gods at your beck and call...神々さえも、あなたに跪くしもべにすぎない。ふふ、素敵ねえ…

아군 턴 터치

Sure, sure.承知しました
Which one's mine?私の敵は?
I submit to you.屈服するわ

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