봄의 곤혹검사 론쿠/대사
I am Lon'qu, swordsman of Regna Ferox. Now, explain why I've been called to this festival. Spare no detail. | 俺はロンクー。フェリアの剣士だ。どうして俺が祭りに呼ばれたのか納得のいく説明をしてもらうぞ。 |
The spring air is so clear... I wonder if its warmth could heal the scars of my past. | 春のほがらかな空気…。この暖かさに触れていれば過去の記憶も癒えるだろうか…。 |
I am a swordsman, yet as hard as it is to believe, even I have a part to play in this festival. | 剣の道に身を置く俺がこんな浮かれた祭りに参加する羽目になるとは…。 |
I freeze whenever a woman approaches. This is a festival, and yet... How pathetic. | 女に近づかれると身体が固まってしまう…祭りだというのに情けない話だ。 |
I cannot rest, nor can I concern myself with spring merriment. I must always train. | うたた寝をしている暇はない。春の陽気に甘えることなく己を鍛えるまでだ。 |
What do I think of this outfit? When Basilio gave it to me, I believed he had lost his mind. That is all. | この装束の感想を聞きたいのか?バジーリオに手渡されたとき正気を疑ったぞ。それだけだ。 |
친구 방문
Ah! I have a delivery for you from [Friend]. And please do not ask me about what I'm wearing. | [召喚師]だな?[フレンド]から届け物だ。…この格好のことは聞くな。 |
레벨 업
Spring is here! I...was told to say that. | スプリングハズカム!…そう教わった。勝ったときにはこう言えと! |
I will not hold back, no matter how ridiculous I look. | 浮かれた格好をしていようが戦いならば容赦はしない。 |
Are you suggesting I got lost in the... festive atmosphere? | 祭りの空気に呑まれてしまっただと…? |
I'm beginning to understand why Basilio sent me to this festival... | バジーリオが俺を祭りに送り出した理由少しだけわかったような気がする…。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I am grateful you invited me to the spring festival. I have overcome my discomfort around women at last... That is what you'd like me to say, isn't it? Well, it is not true. Be honest—why summon me to such an absurd festival?! I need to train, and I need to fight. I do not have time for this uniquely embarrassing nonsense. This outfit... The ears are restrictive beyond measure, and the time it took to put it on... Wait. Is this, too, part of my training? Did Basilio foresee all of this when he involved me? | 女が苦手な俺が克服する糸口を掴むため春の祭りに呼んでくれて感謝する、[召喚師]。 …などと言うとでも思ったか?俺は納得していない。なぜこんな浮かれた祭りに…!? 俺に必要なのは修練と戦う相手だ。このような浮ついた祭りに時間を費やす暇はない。 耳がついた装束も動きにくいことこの上ない。なにより着こなすのに時間が… …まさかこれも修行の一環…?バジーリオはそこまで読んで俺をこの祭りに…? |
- | やっ |
- | 起きろ! |
- | ぐっ… |
- | やるな… |
오의 발동
Spring is here. | スプリングハズカム! |
At last, spring! | 春が来たぞ! |
Hop out of my way. | ピッ…ピョーン! |
Back to sleep you go. | 寝ぼけているのか? |
I was careless... | 甘く…見すぎたな… |
Hm. | ふん… |
Festive clothes for a festive occasion... But I'm not very festive. | 浮かれた祭りに浮かれた衣装…。なぜ俺を招待した… |
Hm? I understand it's a festival, but don't get carried away. | !? …お前も浮かれすぎだ。 |
It's just the season changing. Why is everybody so excited? | 春の何がそんなに嬉しいんだ…? 俺には理解できん。 |
I dream of mastering the blade, no matter what other weapons I add to my arsenal. | 武器がなんであろうと鍛錬にはなる。手を抜くつもりはない。 |
Don't be careless. The warmth can...make you sleepy. | 暖かいから眠くなるなど、たるんでいる証拠だ。 |
Asleep? Me? Uh... Don't be a fool. | ……っ、……。…寝ていた? 馬鹿を言うな。 |
Do not worry about me. Please enjoy yourself. | お前が楽しいなら、俺はそれでいい。 |
아군 턴 터치
Focus. | そうか |
Lead the way. | どっちだ |
A rude awakening. | 叩き起こす |