유카타에 깃든 충절 루키노/대사


I am Lucia. I hail from Crimea and have come for the occasion of this summer festival.私はルキノ。この度の夏祭りにクリミア王国から馳せ参じました。

A festival is no excuse to let one's guard down. It is my duty to protect Princess Elincia.祭りとはいえ油断は禁物。なにが起ころうともエリンシア様をお守りしなければ…。
Once Crimea has recovered from the war, I would like to hold a festival and celebrate our country's new day.クリミアはまだ復興の途中。だけど、国が建て直った暁にはにぎやかな祭りを催したいものだわ。
The shops are so colorful! I shall buy souvenirs to take home to Geoffrey and the others.色とりどりの出店が華やかね。ジョフレたちにもなにか土産を買って帰りましょう。
I pulled a fortune at the shop earlier. See this color? Do you suppose it is good?さっきのお店で、くじを引いてみたの。この色は…もしかして当たりなのかしら?
Princess Elincia looked wonderful in her yukata. She managed to be both adorable and dignified.エリンシア様の浴衣姿、素敵だったわ。愛らしくて気品もあってとても似合っていたわね。

친구 방문

I am Lucia of Crimea. I come bearing a summer gift from your friend and mine, [Friend].私はクリミア王国のルキノ。[フレンド]様から夏の見舞いの品を預かってまいりました。

레벨 업

This time when the people come together as one...I shall protect it, no matter what.民がひとつになり楽しんでいるこの時間。私が必ず守り抜いてみせる。
Let us accomplish what we must without losing ourselves in the festival atmosphere.祭りの空気に浮足立たずなすべきことをなしましょう!
Urk! My foot got caught as I walked in this unfamiliar garb.くっ…! 着慣れない装束に足を取られてしまったわ。


This is for me? Thank you. It will always serve as a good memory from the festival.これを私に?祭りのよい思い出になりそう。ありがとうございます。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am grateful you invited me to such a fantastic festival.
It fills my heart with joy seeing the people's smiles, their eyes so full of life.
Not to mention the various stalls...
The traditions of Hoshido and the vibrance of its people are just as Princess Elincia said.
I pray that everyone will be able to enjoy the festival together next summer, and the one that follows...





오의 발동

I'm getting used to this.身体に馴染むわ
Don't laugh.笑わないでね
What do you think?どうかしら?
This is getting fun!楽しくなってきたわ


Let me rest a bit...ちょっと…休ませて……


Thank you for inviting me to the festival! We're going to have fun.お祭りにお招きありがとう。今日は楽しみましょう。
Oh, was I becoming disheveled? Thank you.きゃっ…? ああ、着崩れていたの? ありがとう。
Have you seen Princess Elincia?ねえ、エリンシア様を見なかった?
Wearing a uh...what did you call it? A yukata? Certainly makes you stand up nice and straight.この…浴衣っていうの? 着ると背筋が伸びるわね。
I'm not used to wearing something like this, so don't laugh at me if I look a little...awkward.あまり慣れていないから、おかしくても笑わないで。
It is not every day I get to wear something so gorgeous... Hm? Oh, nothing. Lost in thought.せっかく素敵な浴衣を着たんだから…いえ、何でもないわ。
Summer nights go by so quickly... It was nice to spend this one with you.夏の夜ってあっという間ね。あなたと一緒だから?

아군 턴 터치

Which way?どっちかしら?
Will do.そうするわ

캐릭터 페이지로