여왕의 자매 루키노/대사


I am Lucia, retainer to Queen Elincia. May this sword be infused with my pride, that I may cut down her foes.私はルキノ。エリンシア様にお仕えする者です。我が誇りを剣に乗せ、敵を切り伏せましょう。

There is no greater honor, and no greater joy, than to serve Her Majesty.エリンシア様と共にあることこそ我らの願い、我らの喜びなのです。
Our desire is to see the survival of the Crimean royal family, and above all, that of Queen Elincia.
My younger brother, Geoffrey, and I will accept no other outcome.
I ask that you declare any objections you may have openly and without reserve. It is for the best, assuredly.
I have no tolerance for boors flashing forced smiles in my face only to disparage me behind my back.
The duke of Felirae once spread his followers across the land, inciting insurrection. The actions of a fool.フェリーレ公は息のかかった者を各地に送り込み、暴動を扇動していました。ルドベック………愚かなことを。
I can't walk the castle without getting an armful of flowers and sweets. It's a bit much, but refusing would be rude.城下を見回ってきたのですが、この通り花や茶菓を山ほどいただいてしまって……無下に突き返すわけにもいきませんから。

친구 방문

I am Lucia, loyal servant of the queen of Crimea. Allow me to bestow upon you a small token of my gratitude.私はクリミア女王に仕えるルキノと申します。[召喚師]様へ心ばかりの贈り物をお持ちしました。

레벨 업

In Crimea, we dream of peace for all people—the world's nations extending their hands in mutual friendship.我々クリミアの理想は、諸国が互いの手を取り合うこと――すべての人々の平和なのです。
Are you prepared for this battle to be your last? If so, I shall be your next opponent. Face me if you dare!この戦を死地とのぞむ覚悟はあるか?ならば私が相手になろう……いざ。ルキノ、参ります!
Surely, this is no reason to lose my composure. Above all, I must ensure my life does not go to waste.浮足立つことはありません。何よりも……命を無駄にしないこと。


Your generosity is both unexpected and appreciated. Be assured, I will report it to Her Majesty without delay.これはありがたいこと。早速エリンシア様へご報告しましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

When the capital fell, my comrades and I were forced into hiding. There, we contacted the surviving retainers.
Dressed as merchants and townsfolk to escape the enemy's prying eye, we infiltrated our homeland as assassins.
Objectively, if you were to consider which of us was best suited to the role, I daresay, it would be me.
Geoffrey tends to stick out like a sore thumb, with his noble gait and stature, regardless of his clothing.
And the count of Fayre, well... The only disguise capable of matching his bravado is that of a street performer.
Bastian once admonished Geoffrey and me for our greater devotion to Lady Elincia than to Crimea itself.
Yet, he zealously believes his devotion to the royal family must result in his unyielding service.
Her Majesty must constantly deal with my overexcited brother and a bombastic deputy prime minister.
Once again, it falls to me to keep those two in check and work towards a brighter future for Crimea with you.





오의 발동

Face me if you dare!ルキノ、参ります!
No quarter!全力を尽くします
Ever loyal.永遠の忠誠を…!
I will silence you.不快な雑音ね


I must not cause her grief...私は…死ねない…


I am Lucia—retainer to Queen Elincia of Crimea.私はルキノ。クリミア女王エリンシア様にお仕えする者です。
Really! Where are your manners?きゃ…っ! もう、いたずらが過ぎるわよ。
Bastian has a terrible habit of talking so much but saying so little.回りくどい言い方ばかりするのはユリシーズの悪い癖ね。
I bear Queen Elincia no grudge for the difficult choice she was forced to make.エリンシア様のご決断、私は喜びこそすれ恨む気持ちはありませんでした。
Queen Elincia was raised right alongside Geoffrey and me. She's like a sister to us.ジョフレと私、エリンシア様は乳兄弟なの。ずっと一緒に育ったのよ。
No matter how difficult it may be, I will always choose the path that serves Queen Elincia best.どんな苦難なことであったとしても…女王と共に生き残る道を選びます。
I can't entrust my duty to anyone else. You're much like me, aren't you?私には何にも譲れない使命がある。あなたもそうでしょう?

아군 턴 터치

Very well.はい
If you're certain...そうですか…
As you wish.もちろんですとも!

캐릭터 페이지로