미래로 잇는 사랑 루키나/대사


The Day of Devotion... I'm not used to such extravagance! But I'll try my best to cherish every moment.愛の祭り…なんて華やかなんでしょう。せっかく招いていただいたからには私、本気でがんばります!

The Day of Devotion lives up to its name. Every face I see is lit up with a smile, like a flower in bloom.皆さんの幸せそうな笑顔が花のように咲き誇っていますね…愛の祭り、その名に偽りなしです。
In my desperate future, almost all blossoms have withered away. That is why I want to protect these flowers.私がいた絶望の未来ではほとんどの花が枯れ果てていました。だからこそ、この花々を守りたいのです。
I can't believe you prepared such a gorgeous outfit for me. Should I wear my mask as well? Hmm...maybe not.こんなに華やかな衣装まで用意していただけるなんて…え? 今日は仮面はつけませんから!
Never forget to hold on to your feelings of gratitude. That mindset is important, no matter where you are.感謝の気持ちを持ち続けることを忘れずに。時代や世界が変わってもそれは大切なことだと思うのです。
I'm looking for flowers that will suit my father. If you find any that you think he'll like, please let me know.お父様に似合う花を探しているのです。[召喚師]さん…素敵な花があれば教えてくださいね。

친구 방문

On this Day of Devotion, I come with words of gratitude from the castle of [Friend].[フレンド]さんの城では愛の祭りが開催されています。これは、私からの感謝の気持ちです。

레벨 업

Fate can be changed by the power of love!愛の力が運命を変えます!
I hope many smiles bloom today!一輪でも多くの笑顔の花が咲きますように…!
Kyah! I blame this on my dress! I'm not used to wearing such things, and the hem got tangled...きゃっ! ドレスの裾が絡まって…着慣れないせいか手強いですね。


I've heard your wishes. With this power, I will ensure the future is filled with love and flowers!あなたの想い、受け取りました。この力で未来を切り拓いてみせます!

5성 40레벨 달성

A world without flowers, where all life has slowly withered away... Can you imagine, [Summoner]?
That's the world I'm from, the world I want to prevent. There, no one could think of love...only survival.
I traveled here in hopes that, together, my father and I could stop that horrible future from happening.
I want to restore the world to one where people can focus on love and gratitude. Where flowers can bloom.
I won't give up on a future where everyone can cherish that beauty. We all deserve such a happy world.
I hope that whatever happens, the future of Askr is overflowing with love. Together, we can make it so.
[召喚師]さんは想像できますか? すべての花々が枯れ果てた世界を。





오의 발동

You're going to love this.愛を贈ります
A token of my gratitude!あなたに感謝を
May my love reach father!お父様に届いて…
Enjoying the festival?すてきな祭りです


Signed...and sealed...まだ…届けてないのに…


This is a festival of love, isn't it? This is my chance to show everyone just how much they mean to me.愛の祭りですね。みんなにありったけの感謝を伝えなければ。
Hm? Oh, is something stuck in my hair?きゃっ…? ああ、花びらがついていたんですか? ありがとうございます。
I'd better get these flowers delivered while they're still alive!早く配らないと、お花がしおれてしまいますね。
*chuckle* Do you like my flower crown?お花の冠、似合いますか? うふふ…
I had my own idea for an outfit, but no one seemed to like it...自分でも衣装を考えていたんですけど、却下されてしまいました…
Nothing makes me happier than showing my parents that I love them.お父様とお母様に愛を伝えられる…なんて幸せなんでしょう…
I've truly come to appreciate you. I hope you know you mean a lot to me.私がどんなにあなたを大切に思っているか、きっと伝えきれません。

아군 턴 터치

Show me the way.こっちですね
Special delivery!愛を届けに

캐릭터 페이지로