봄빛의 성왕녀 루키나/대사


I am Lucina, future Exalt of Ylisse. The spring festival is such a breath of fresh air, don't you think?未来のイーリス王女、ルキナです。春のお祭り、とても素敵ですね…この平和な時を心に刻みたいです。

People say the eggs I painted for the spring festival turn out...strange. But Sharena said they look fine.私が絵を描いた卵たち…皆さん妙な色遣いだって仰るんです。でも、シャロンさんは褒めてくださいました!
I've celebrated a spring festival only once. Colorful outfits, communal feasts—all of it, very nice!春を祝うお祭りは、初めて体験しました。みんなで華やかな衣装を着たり、ごちそうを用意したり…とても楽しいです。
You work so tirelessly. If you're hungry, I might have a spring-festival egg around here somewhere.いつも任務お疲れ様です。お腹はすいていませんか?あっ、卵でよろしければここに…
I've heard of a most curious tradition that's done during spring festivals. Egg rolling—heard of it?
It sounds like a carefree way to spend the day. We should find a field nearby and try it out sometime.
Zzz...zzz... Oh! Sorry. Thinking of spring is so pleasant that I nod off. Sorry again.…すう、すう……はっ、すみません、ついうたた寝を…!春は暖かくて、眠くなってしまいますね。

친구 방문

I've come with spring greetings for you, [Summoner].
May your days be forever warm and lovely.

레벨 업

I feel as if a flower has just burst into full bloom within me!心の中に春の花が咲いたような気分です!
The strength of spring serves more than me alone.この調子で去年の春より強くなりたいです。
How dismal. Has winter laid claim to my heart?心だけが冬に戻ったような切ない気持ちです…


Thank you. Each new ray of sunlight brings more hope to my heart.新しい力をありがとうございます。春の陽気にぴったりですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I imagine that you could only be curious about spring-festival outfits, [Summoner].
We have many kinds of these festival costumes in Ylisse.
One was an egg—cracked on one side. Another was a shirt that showed my father...in bunny ears!
People even go around swinging carrot weapons!
I'm sure that our bond would strengthen if we both dressed up to enjoy such festivities!
Oh...not interested? I see. I was only thinking that if our bond was as strong as possible...
Well, then that would be enough for me if I go back home. I'd like to remember you forever.
Sorry to get melancholy. Anyway, even if we don't go hopping down the trail together in costumes...
I know our bond is strong as it is, and I hope you'll have me stay here and help you as long as I can.
…え? 遠慮しておく? …そうですね。私が国に戻るのはきっとお別れの時…さみしいことを言ってしまってすみません。


Here I go!いきますよ!


What are you-?!なんてことを…!

오의 발동

You will not stop my festivity!本気で祝います!
Spring gives me strength!これが春祭りです!
I say when winter's over!冬は終わりです!
Bunny blast!うさぎアタック!


A petal falls.花は、散るものです…


Happy spring festival!春祭り、おめでとうございます
Spring is my favorite time of year. It's when I was born.私は春生まれなので、この季節が一番好きです
This headpiece is the height of fashion, don't you think?このかぶりもの、とってもお洒落だと思いませんか?
Where I come from, there are shape-shifters called Taguel that can turn into rabbits.私のいた世界には、うさぎになれる種族…タグエルがいるんですよ
In my world, I returned from a future where...we didn't celebrate the coming of spring like this.未来では、こんな風に春をお祝いすることなんてできませんでした…
I should hide eggs around this world while I have the chance. Who knows when I'll have to return home?せっかくですし、この世界にも卵を隠して帰りましょうか
If ever this war ends, I'd love to show you Ylisse's spring festival. I'd get you a stylish headpiece like this!戦争が終わったらあなたも、イーリスの春祭りに来てください。あなたのためにお洒落なかぶりものをご用意しますよ。

아군 턴 터치

Ah, spring.春ですね…
How pleasant.あたたかいです

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