조용한 빛 루세아/대사


My name is Lucius. I'm a monk in service of the marquess of Cornwell. Saint Elimine's light guides me.わたしはルセア。コンウォル侯爵におつかえする修道士です。神のお導きに感謝いたします。

Remembering what happened at the orphanage is...difficult. It's painful.…孤児院でのことを思い出すと……今でもつらくて…苦しく、なるんです…
I lived with my parents until I was three years old. My father was a skilled mercenary.3つの歳までは、父母とともに暮らしていました。父は腕の立つ傭兵だったといいます。
They say that Lord Raymond has a sister who was taken in and raised by Count Caerleon at a young age...レイモンドさまにはご令妹がおられるとか…幼いうちにカルレオン伯爵の養女として送り出されたと聞いています。
Poverty and despair can eat one's very soul if it is not strengthened with faith. But many people can't do that.貧困は人の心を弱くし、歪めます。神を信じ、心を強く保てればよいのですがそうはできない人のほうが多いのです…
People's hearts can be twisted so easily... The orphanage was no exception.
I pray that salvation comes for us all.

친구 방문

You must be [Summoner].
I've come with greetings from your friend [Friend].

레벨 업

I want to become a proper monk, to repay my debt to the marquess and his wife, and to support Raymond!侯爵さまと奥さまのご恩にこたえたい。立派な修道士となり、レイモンドさまとコンウォル家をお支えしたいと思います。
I am feeling fine. But thank you for your concern.体調は問題ありません。ご心配ありがとうございます。
I won't be of much use like this...こんなことでは…お役に立てませんね。


Oh, thank you. But I have nothing to give you in return...何のお返しも出来ませんが、ありがとうございます。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've already told you that I was an orphan, haven't I, Summoner?
One night, my father was attacked by bandits who broke into our home.
Though he was a skilled mercenary, he was killed right in front of me. I remember it so clearly...
The bandit's eyes, as black as the deepest darkness... The knife in my father's chest... Ugh...
After my father died, my mother fell ill, and in no time at all, I was alone.
If I could pray for one thing, it would be to reduce such suffering in the world, even a little...





오의 발동

Stop the fighting!やめてください…
I have to get stronger!強くならなきゃ…
The light of salvation!神の救いを…
Be brave!勇気をだして…


Forgive me...すみま…せん…


I just know I can save you!助けてみせます
Anything to help.お役に立つなら…
Nice to meet you. I am Lucius, a retainer to House Cornwell.はじめまして、ルセアといいます。コンウォル侯爵家に仕える者です。
The marquess and his wife, and of course Lord Raymond, are all near and dear to my heart.侯爵さまと奥さま、そしてレイモンドさまはわたしの大切な方々です。
Just...one moment. *sigh* No need to worry. My sickness has passed.はあ……。すみません、ただの発作です。すぐ治ります…
My memories of the orphanage are mostly painful ones.孤児院にいた頃…色々、辛いことがありました…
I wonder why I feel so calm around you?なぜでしょう? あなたの傍にいると、気持ちが安らぎます。

아군 턴 터치

Right, then.そうですね
Uh... Yes!えーっと…
On we go.いきましょう

캐릭터 페이지로