부드러운 빛 루세아/대사
My name is Lucius. I can tend to your wounded. So I beg you—please put me to work immediately. | わたしはルセアと申します。病める人々を癒すことで皆様のお役に立ちたいと思います。 |
This kingdom is blessed by such abundance—and graced with such bright spirits! I believe that this place is so happy that there are few, if any, orphans that go unloved. | この国はとても豊かで…人々も幸せそうに見えました。身寄りのない子供も少ないことでしょう… |
In case anyone asks, feel free to share the fact that I am a man—and not a woman. It is hardly anyone's business, yet still the question has nipped at my heels for years. | ご存知かと思いますが、念のためにお伝えしておきますと…わたしは男です。シスターではありませんので… |
I have pledged my service to Lord Raym— Oh, sorry! I mean Raven, of course. I continue to worry about his welfare. | わたしはレイモンドさま…レイヴァンさまにお仕えしております。あの方のことが心配なのです。 |
My staff can be used to heal my allies but also to hurt my foes. That is, if I must. | わたしはこの杖で…仲間を癒すこと、そして敵を傷つけることができます。 |
A moment...I beg you...please... Ah, there. What ails me has already passed. | …すみま…せ…だ…大丈夫です。発作は…じき…治まりますから… |
친구 방문
You must be [Summoner]. I have come to deliver good tidings from [Friend]. | [召喚師]様ですね。[フレンド]様から御挨拶を言付かってきました。 |
레벨 업
Such gains might better suit others in our party. | わたしにこのような成長はもったいない気がします… |
I fared well—and pledge to put this to use for us all. | 体の調子は良いです。皆様のお役に立てそうです… |
Sorry... Merely a moment... of weakness. | わたしはもっと…強くならなければ… |
I hope that I have grown in both body and spirit. | わたしの身も心も、これで強くなれたでしょうか…? |
5성 40레벨 달성
I have come to trust you more than most I meet, so I feel it's safe to share my story with you. When I was young, I suffered terribly in an orphanage—children ought never be so tormented. I also suffer what some might call a sickness of the soul. What it is, exactly, is difficult to say. Even now, when I think of how I suffered...at that orphanage...my body falls into lapses and strange fits. I'm sorry. I should have told you all about this, but I wasn't yet comfortable confiding it. I feared that you'd lose respect for me if you knew the truth—or would even be repulsed. I do such good works that I shouldn't allow myself to care, but when it comes to you...I do. I put myself in your hands. Will you like or loathe me? But know this, you will have my loyalty. | あなたですから…お話しします。わたしは幼い頃から、心の病を患っていました。 孤児院で色々、辛いことがあり…その時のことを思い出すと、今でも発作が起きるのです… すみません。あなたに気味悪く思われるのではないか…そう恐れ、今までお伝えできませんでした。 ですが、決心しました。あなたにはすべてお話ししよう、と。たとえ嫌われても… もし、それでもわたしを仲間と思ってくださるなら…どうかこれからもよろしくお願い致します。 |
はっ! | |
えいっ! |
うああっ! | |
No... | そんな… |
오의 발동
This debases us! | 私は汚れた身… |
Oh, such pain! | 痛みを… |
May belief be enough! | 信じるもののため… |
Hands, stained with blood! | 赤い…手… |
Into the light...! | 光が…ありますように… |
Heehee | ふふ |
Darkness, begone. | 神のお導きを… |
Sweet relief. | あなたに癒しを… |
Hmm. What is troubling you? | あの、どうかなさいましたか? |
You may hear it questioned whether I am a man. I say the question...is a wrong one. | あの…私は男なのですが… |
Those who mock the way others look cause great suffering in the world. I have suffered...considerably. | この容姿のせいで、よくからかわれました… |
I hope always for my soul to soar. But sometimes I am weak. For that, I am sorry. | わたしは心が弱くて…すみません |
If ever your mind is troubled, please speak with me. | あなたの悩みが楽になりますように… |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | はい |
Of course. | どうしましょうか… |
Shall we? | 参りましょう |
공격 - 신장
- | たっ |
- | これで… |
피격 - 신장
- | くっ… |
- | いけない… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Ashes to ashes! | 安らかに… |
Can you bear the heat? | 熱いですよ… |
Sear my sins away... | 私の罪を… |
May I burn bright! | 終わりにしましょう… |
패배 - 신장
I go to Elimine's side... | 神の…元へ… |
상태창 - 신장
- | ふう… |
Darkness, begone. | 神のお導きを… |
Sweet relief. | あなたに癒しを… |
Múspell is said to be the Kingdom of Flame, is it not? It must be scorching. | ムスペルは炎の王国なんですか…。きっと暑いんでしょうね。 |
I showed my new attire to Lord Raymond and he... He had nothing but kind words. | レイモンドさまに褒められてしまいました。 |
I hope these clothes help bring me closer to Heroes from other worlds. | これを機に、もっと皆さんとも親しくなりたいです。 |
If only the flames of Múspell could reduce my own sins to ash... | 炎が、わたしの罪も焼き尽くしてくれたなら… |
I pray your heart will ever remain serene. | あなたの心の安らぎをお祈りしています… |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Very well. | ええ |
If you think so... | 迷います… |
Blaze a path! | わかりました |