이치의 아이 루우/대사


Hello, I'm Lugh! I may look a little inexperienced, but I'm good with magic. It's great to be here!こんにちは、ぼくはルゥ。こう見えても、魔法が使えるんだよ。これからよろしくね!

Chad is clever, but he doesn't like to study. Raigh is a genius, but he's impossible to get along with.
Will those two be all right without me around?
We originally lived in a small orphanage, but the war with Bern threw things into chaos.
I really hope everybody is doing all right.
I saw you talking to some pretty important-looking people just now!
Thanks for everything you do. If there's anything I can do to help out, just let me know!
I managed to get my hands on a cartload of baked goods... You want some? I'm happy to share!見て、焼き菓子を貰ったんだよ!たくさんあるから一緒に食べようよ。はい、どうぞ!
Do you have a moment? I'm not quite sure I understand this part of the book I'm reading... Can you help?あの…いま時間ありますか?この本、ここがよくわからなくて…よかったら教えてもらえませんか?

친구 방문

Hello there, [Summoner]! My name's Lugh. I'm glad to meet you.[召喚師]さん!ぼくはルゥ!よろしくね!

레벨 업

I see... So this is the spirit of magic.うん、わかるよ。これが魔法…精霊の理、なんだね。
I'm doing the best that I can!ぼくだって、やれるんだ!
Maybe I'm not cut out for this after all...やっぱり、向いてないのかな…


Wow! What is this power? I can use it? Thank you!わぁ、これはなに?ぼくが使っていいの?えへっ、ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]... How am I doing in battle? Am I pulling my weight?
I don't really like all this fighting...so I got a bit concerned that I might be causing you some consternation.
Where I come from, they killed the caretaker of our orphanage, and I found myself fighting for revenge.
It was scary... But once I thought about Raigh, Chad, and the others... that gave me the courage I needed.
I want to do everything I can for you, you see. I like you a lot. You can count on me!





오의 발동

I won't run anymore.もう逃げない
I've made up my mind!決めたんだ
For the people I hold dear!大事な人のために!
I promise—I'll be OK!生き残るんだ


Sorry, Chad... Raigh...ごめんね、チャド…レイ…


I'm Lugh! I'm here because I can use magic! Not a lot, but I'm learning.ぼくはルゥ。少しだけど、魔法が使えるんだ。
Woah! Did I do something odd?わわっ!? ぼ、ぼく何かへんなことした?
Before I knew it, everyone had vanished from the orphanage…院長先生…みんな…知らないうちに、みんなみんないなくなってしまう…
My dream is for all wars to end. Maybe one day everyone will live in peace together.いつか、みんなで一緒に…平和に暮らせるといいな
If I don't survive... Promise me you'll care for the children.もしぼくが生き残れなかったら…子供たちのこと、頼んでもいい?
Raigh is rough around the edges. I worry about him...レイは無愛想だって誤解されがちだから…心配だなあ…
I don't want to be protected. I just want to protect! That includes you.ぼくは守られるだけでなく、守りたいんだ。あなたのことも…

아군 턴 터치

Of course.うん
Are you calling me?ぼくでいい?
I'll do whatever I can.がんばってみるよ

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