저돌맹진의 종기사 루크/대사
Call for your bards! They will want to write songs about me, Luke, the finest knight of Altea! | オレの名はルーク!アリティア一の名騎士と後にうたわれる予定の男だ! |
A castle needs knights, and a knight needs romance. So, if A equals B equals C... That means a castle needs romance! Wait. That math didn't add up. | 城と言えば騎士!騎士と言えばロマンス!ロマンスと言えば城! |
Hey, friend, you keep up the good watch. For what? For the only thing worth watching for! Ladies for Luke! Any kind—long as they're easy on the eyes. | はー。どっかにいないかな?若くて綺麗で優しくて可愛い女の子か妖艶で美人でお色気たっぷりなお姉様… |
I'm an Altean knight in training, but that pretty much means that I'm a legend in the making! | オレはアリティア王国の従騎士!従騎士ってのは見習い騎士のことだぜ。でも従騎士って名前、なんか格好良いよな! |
My pal Roderick and I go way back. Worries too much, but other than that, he's a fine guy! | ロディはオレの長年の相棒なんだ。ちょっと悩み過ぎのとこがあるけど、良い奴だぜ! |
We should get out of here and find ourselves an adventure! Or maybe some hearts to woo! | なあ、一緒に街に行こうぜ。美しいご婦人と道でぶつかってロマンスに発展するかもしれないだろ? |
친구 방문
Hello there! You've now become a part of the Legend of Luke! You can thank [Friend]. | オレは明日の聖騎士ルーク![フレンド]のかわりにオレが直々に挨拶に来たぜ! 良かったな! |
레벨 업
The Legend of Luke keeps getting better and better! | 暁の聖騎士ルークの伝説が今、始まる! |
Pretty good, but a legend like me can do better! | オレは成長した!ふつうの成長だけどな! |
That's all? Can't be. Not for me. | ば、ばかな…このオレが… |
Thank you for doing your part in the Legend of Luke! | 明日の聖騎士ルークの明日からの活躍を見逃すなよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
How do you like how the Legend of Luke has turned out—just as great as you thought, right? There's no stronger, more virtuous knight than I am. It almost scares me. But you can't keep a legend down! Ha! I'm just joking. I'm really just an idiot that you believed in, despite all my big talk. I couldn't stay focused for a minute without you guiding me. So, you know, I really think YOU'RE the big deal. What? Don't look so surprised! I'm a humble guy under it all. Just please don't let anyone else know, OK? | どうだ、このオレの力強い姿!この伝説の聖騎士ルークはついに最強の騎士になったぜ。 ふっ、我ながらオレの才能が恐ろしいぜ。オレに隠された真の実力がどうやら表に出ちまったみたいだな! …なーんてな、冗談だよ。本当はお前のおかげさ。いくらオレでもそれくらいはわかる。 大局を見てくれるお前の指示があったから、オレは目の前のことに集中できたんだ。感謝してるぜ、本当に。 …なんだよ? その意外そうな顔は。お前、オレのこと馬鹿だと思ってただろ!オレだってたまにはこういうこと言うんだよ! |
はぁっ! | |
せいっ! |
うああっ! | |
Ouch! | いてぇっ! |
오의 발동
Gotta love the Luke! | オレに惚れるなよ! |
Go easy on you? Ha! | 手加減しないぜ! |
Legend in the making! | ここで目立つ! |
Luke is larger than life! | 大活躍だ! |
I lost...? | まいるぜ…まったく… |
Haha | ははっ |
Need the Luke, huh? Here to help! | お、ついにオレの出番か? |
Hey, now! You'll mess up the Luke's hair. | よせ、髪型が乱れるだろ |
Who's larger than life? Me, Luke! | オレの活躍を見せつけてやるぜ! |
Want a nickname? I'll give you one that will really stick! | オレが格好いい異名をつけてやろうか? |
Any pretty healers around? Cuz I need some healing! | どっかに癒し系のシスターいないかな? |
People like big deals, right? Not average deals? | オレ、イマイチもてないんだよな~ |
Who wants to be a leader? Not me. All work, no glory! | リーダーとか、めんどくさいのは任せた! |
아군 턴 터치
On it! | おう! |
All mine! | オレに任せろ! |
Onward! | 行くぜ! |